Site News
Entries 20-30 of 54
New issues of Nafzger Heritage News
I have received all 7 issues that I was missing from the Mennonite Historical Library. Many thanks to Erin Miller. They will be available on this site shortly.
Guestbook cleanup
I cleaned up a bunch of spam posts on the guestbook. I considered diabling it, but I feel the posts we get are too valuable. I will come up with some way to prevent automated spam.
Elmer Gibson Family Site
I have put together a password protected site for the decendants of Elmer Gibson. To gain access, email me.
Open House for Daniel T. Noffsinger 80th
An open house will be held on August 9th in honor of the 80th Birthday of Daniel T. Noffsinger. Click here for details.
Download History of the Nafzger F. in A.
A Zip file containing all the scanned images of the History of the Nafzger Family in America can now be downloaded here
Trip to Europe
I visited several sites in Europe of Nafzger interest in Febuary. I have written breifly about it.
Trip to Germany
I am currently in Germany. As part of my breif trip I hope to visit Geislingen and perphas other towns of family significance. I will report on my trip when I return.
Updated Nafzger page
The main Nafzger page has been updated with some minor changes to the Origin of the Nafzger name section.
Ancestral Quest
2005-01-04 is now an Ancestral Quest Affiliate. Click on the link for details.
2005 Gibson Reunion
The 2005 Elmer and Edna Gibson family reunion will be 5 - 7 Aug 2005 at King's Creek Campground. See the flier for more information.
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