




The Nafzger Heritage News

The Nafzger Heritage News

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e9 - 
DEC 1 7 1986 
tje Jafgcr OerItage ic1ai 
VOL. XVI, No0 1 WINTER ISSUE 1986—87 
Many of our readers will remember Matthias Otte of Piettenberg-Ohle, West Germany0 At age 17 years and upon graduation from High school, he 
àame to the USA for a tour and to visit his Nafziger cousins0 The returned to Germany, served in the armed forces and after his release, was awarded a nice scholarship to a university or college of his choice in the USA. He is attending George Washington University in Washington, D.C. We have received several phone calls and a number of letter since his arrival back into our country0 In his latest letter, he tells me that he and a friend plan to make a tour of the USA during the Christmas break from his studies0 He promises to call and visit some of his unknown Nafzger cousins as he makes his way to Californ— nia,. Thus, if some of our readers are surprised with a phone call from a very nice German youth who speaks very good English some day or evening please welcome him into your home for a visit. You will find him very interesting and I am sure that you will enjoy his visit with you0 
We were pleased to receive copy of a new book, The Amish-Mennonites of Waldeck and Wittgenstein authored by Hermann Guth of Saarbrucken, Germany0 The book was send to us by Mennonite Family History, P.O. Box 171 of Elverson, PA0, compliments of Lois Ann Mast0 
In December of 1815, Henry and Margaret became parents0 Abraham’s Nofs— ker’s birth was recorded at Brush Valley Union Church at rebersburg, (Miles township, Centre County)0 Albert Hay and Katharine Zeichler were named the godparents, 
In the Fourth US Census taken in 1820, Henry Noftsgor was living in Haines township, Centre County, In addition to Henry were seven males and three females0 Listed in the same township was Frederich Noftsgor.(more will be said about Frederich below.) Henry Nafftsger, a resident of Miles township, died in September 11, 1823. Although his will was written the 8th. of September,1823, it was not probated until January, 1834. It named his wife Margareth and mentioned children. The will was witnessed by John McBride and John Lee and named Phillip Mosser and Henry Rischel as executors, Henry (Heinrich)Naftzger was buried in Rich— man Cemetery, Centre County, Pa, His date of birth is given as March 11, 1764. 
The earliest mention of Henry Noffsker in Centre County, PA in the Third US Census taken in 1810. Henry was enumerated in Haines township and living in his household were Henry, five males and three females. If Henry’s family consisted of seven children, then we could guess that he had probably been married about 15 years. 
When Henry moved to Centre County and from where is not known. It is possible that he moved from Lancaster County, he being the same Henry Nophsker who lived in Donegal township. As we wrote in the last issue of the News when we featured [lenry of Donegal, there was a March 22, 1797 marriage between Henry Natsger and Margarethe Beschtler recorded in the Trinity Luthern Church records, It remains to be proven however if Henry of Centre County is the same as Henry of Donegal township. 
Continued on Page Three 
120 Edgewood Drive 
Grafton, Ohio 44044 
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A, Brooks Naffziger of Upper Arlington, Ohio writes us a letter asking us to comment on a situation which he believes must confront some of our other readers. He tells us about a solicitation for the purchase of a Naftiger genealogy book. He point out that at least two such publication have been announced inthe last several years. AlsO, in his letter he writes that he is waiting for some such publication from us and asks if such one is forthcoming. 
I have discussed the letter with Ray N over the phone and well try to answer Brooks very thought provoking questions. I have received such lettersmyself asking me to purchase such publications that usually cost .twenty to thirty dollars, I have discussed the publications content with some of you who paid good money for what appears to be some very general information on genealogy and coats-of-arms and a listing of Nafzgers that are living the U.S. The main problem with the publication is that the information can be found in any good library that carries a complete stock of US telephone directories, I do not recommend the publications and I believe that the twenty to thirty dollars would be wasted., At least one of these publication pulled my name from the telephone book because my name is not spelled as it should be in the telephone directory, It has been listed with the Swiss spelling of the name for over twenty years, When junk mail comes through using the Nafzger spelling, then I know where they found my name for the mailing. 
Now, we need to comment on any future publication from us, I doubt if a standard publication will be forthcoming, Yes, we have relented in two situations where we thought one should be made and assisted with a genealogy project(Carroll Nafziger’s and Thurlow Nofziger’s publications), Our hope is to computerize the information we have on file, Computerization of the listing of twenty immigrant Nafzger families that came to America and a listing of over 50,000 descendants will be very expensive but we believe the merits of such a plan will outweigh the costs involved, If this can be accomplished, then it would be possible for any of our readers to acquire a print out of any one of the twenty immigrant families or a list of all twenty families if that is what is wanted, You could receive the same information we have on our computer programs at any given time and thus, have the same information that we have on file, Also, updating could be accomplished with ease, There are many other advan ages to putting our information on computer, 
Financing the project is our major problem. Financing a publication would be a major problem, too, Perhaps, someone or somehow, we will come up with the answer to the problem of financing such a project, We would be interested in hearing from some of our readers with their ideas on the subject, 
Pictured above is part of the Ilibach estate and two of the buildings as it now looks in iJest Germany. Ilibach was the home of many Nafziger including Peter Nafziger who emigrated to America in 1827 but died at sea, 
Page Two 
There are a couple of interesting questions which arise concenring Henry and this year of birth, On the one hand Henry wrote his will on the 8th of September and died three days later0 This would seem to indicate that death had not been anticipated. (perhaps he was not anelderly man), On the other hand, on 12 January, 1824, Henry and Margareth were cited as the parents of Jacobus(James) some four months after Henry’s death0 Again this suggests that perhaps Henry’s death was premature, Furthermore, Henry was a father again, this time when he was sixty years old There are two possbile explanations for this, One is that the 1764 birth date is wrong, Or there are two Henry’s who lived in Centre county, father and son, and borth were married to a woman named Margareth, Unfortunately no other mention was found of another Henry in Centre County, 
Margareth Naftzger died on August 23, 1836 in Miles township, She too was buried in Hichman Cemtery, Her birth was given as April 3, 1779, Upon Margareth’s death John Nofsker, Emanuel Nofsker and Phillip Leitzel (who was married to Julia (nn) Nofsker) signed a release to the executors, 
John Nofsker was first mentioned in Centre county, Pa, in 1827, In June of that year John Nosker was given a land warranty for 42 acres, In the same year John Nafsker was taxed as a single freeman in Gregg township, Centre County, Another reference to John is dated 1836 when he signed his mother;s estate release, Where John went and when he left is presently unknown,, 
Emanuel Nofsker was born April 8, 1808 in Centre County, Pa, He married Sophia Plottner, the daughter of John Plottner who was a nieghbor to Henry Nofsker, In April, 1831 John Henry Nofsker was born to Emanuel and Sophia, Sometime after 1838 and prior to 1840, Emanuel Nofsker, his family and his brother-in-law John Plattner Jr, Moved to Armstrong County, Pa, In 1840 census of Red Bank township, Emanuel was enumerated with 3 males and 4 females in his household, John Plattner resided next door. 
By September, 1950 Emanuel and his family had moved to Porter township in Clarion County, Pa, His occupation was listed as a wagonmaker0 In 1852, Emanuel moved to Polk Township in Jefferson County, Pa, In at least two historical monographs on that county, reference was made naming John Nofsker and John Riotner as pioneer settlers. John Nofsker and Emanuel Nofsker (with two cows and two oxens) were taxed together with John Plotner, Children of Emanuel and Sophia were: John Jenry, Juliann (wife of Henry Schaffer),, Mary Susan (wife of Darius Hetrick), Elisabeth (wife of Stephen Hetrick and lather John T, Mortimer), Margaret (wife of Hugh McKillips) and Martin Emanuel, 
(Julis(nn) Nofsker was born in 1812, Prior to 1836 she had married Phillip Deitzell. They resided in Gregg township where Phillip was occupied as a luberman, They were the prents of at least seven children: Mary (who married John D, Long), Jane, James, Percival, Charles, Susan and Philip. Julia(nn) (Nofsker) Leitzell died in 1869. 
Frederich Noftsgor was first identified in the 1820 Census living next to Henry Noftsgor in Haines township, Centre County0 In that year his household had three females and one male, In the same year Frederich and Susanna were parents of a daughter Catharine according to the Penns Creek Luthern Church records, In 1830 Frederich Knofsinger lived in Spring township, same county, There were now two males and two females enumerated, In 1832 Frederich Nossinger was mentioned as having outstanding debt owed to the estate of Philip Benner, By 1840 Frederich Noftsinger’s household included two males and three females, In 1850 census, Frederich Nophsinger, who’s age was given as 45 years, lived with his wife Susan and Children William and Susan in Spring township, In 1860 Frederich, a farmer, resided with his wife Susan and 
Continued on Page Four 
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Continued from Page Three 
daughter Susan0 Next door was Issac Gill family, then William Nossinger, his wife Mary and their son James, who was born in 1857, Frederich Knofsinger died April 24, 1876 and was bured in Zion Presbytarian Cemetery in Walker township, Center County, Pa. His date of birth was given as April 20, 1795. (Strangely Frederich did not sign the release in Margaret Noftsgerestate in 1836— does this mean that he as not a child of henry or not a child of Margaret?)’ 
Another Nofsker found living in Centre county during this period was Samuel Nofsker. Samuel and Eva Nofsker had two sons whose births were reàorded in the.Penns creek Lutheran Church book, John Nofsker was born January 8, 1826 and Jacob Henry November 16, 1828, Unfortunately little else was found concerning Samuel Th Centre County. We guess that Samuel moved first to Woodsbury township, Huntington County where, in 1840, he was enumerated with two males and two females, Prior to 1846 Samuel moved to Juniata township, Blair County, Pa. In 1850 he was enumerated in the census with wife Eve, sons Samuel, Martin J., and William and daughters Nancy, Mary E,, Rebecca E. and Elisa J, 
According to County histories of Blair, an early settler in the vaillage of Frankstown (later Blair County, Pa.) was Jacob Nofsker. In 1832 he was named as a tavern—keeper. In 1846, when Blair county was created from Huntington County, the list of residents and taxables for Freedom. township included Jacob Noffsker, Samuel Noffsker and Jonathan Noffsker. The 1850 census also listed the three Noffskers, 
Jacob Nofsker, a farmer, was married to Margaret and their children were George ,J., Mary M, Margaret J,, Jacob E., William A,, Martha S and Sarah A, (Another son, John Noscar lived in Washington township, Cambria County in 1850. His wife was Cath— anne and their daughter was named Margaet,) 
Jonathan Nofsker was married to Elisabeth and their three sons were named Jacob, Martin and John C, 
The Noffskers were very ac tive in the, civic affairs of their community. In 1852 
Jacob K, Nofsker was elected auditor of Juniata township, appointed judge in 1858 and 
named assessor in 1861, In 1853 Jonathan Nofsker was named constable and in 1859 a 
supervosor, Samuel Nofsker served a school director in 1859, 
Residents of Freedom township in 1860 included the following: Jacob Nofsker (farmer) and’his sons Jacob Noffsker Jr. (teacher) and George J, Noffsker (teacher; Samuel Noffsker (farmer) and his son Martin Nofsker; and Jonathan Noffsker and his son Martin, In addition there was a single freeman Emanuel Noffsker - who may have been Samuel’s son, 
Samuel Nofsker was named as an early member of the East Freedom Methodist Episcopal Church, together with the Dotson, Leamer, Lorentz and Hamilton families, In fact Samuel was the principal owner of the property on which the church was built, In 1879 the property was transferred to the United Brethern Church of East Freedom township. The United Brethern Church had been organized that year and Samuel’s daughter Amanda was among its earliest members, 
The final Nofsker to be mentioned in re4ation to Centre county, PA is Michael Nofsker, In 1856 he resided in Gregg township, Spring Mills post office, where he was a master carpenter. His apprentice at that time was John D, Long, who later married Mary Leitzell, the daughter of Phillip and Julia(nn) (Nofsker) Leitzell, Michael Nofsker was enumerated in 1960 census for Gregg township, His age was then 42 years (suggesting birth about 1818), He was married to Jane who was a year older than he, Living with them were Dualina (?) Miller (8 years), Jane Kincly (74 years) (maybe mother—in—law?) and Peter Swunk (17 years) a carpenter’s apprentice. A subsequent apprentice was D. H. Kornman, 
Although we have suggested that Henry Nofsker of Centre County, PA may have come from Lancaster County, we have only guessed this to be true, In the same respect we have surmised that Samuel of Blair County to have come from Centre County, which would then, almost certainly imply that both Jacob and Jonathan of Blair county were 
Continued on Page Five 
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Continued from Page Four 
his brothers., This is reasonable given the use of the names of Martin, Emanuel, Samuel and William, al names which appear in the second and third generations of the families we have mentioned above. 
However we also wish to mention that there are also another clan of Nofskers who show up In Ohio in the 1830’s which cannot be easily explained,. They include George James Nofsker, Henry Noffsker, Jacob Nofsker and Samuel Nofsker0 We will cover their paths in a future issue of the News, but for the present it seems that Henry of Centre county would have the following descendants0 
Family Outline 
Heinrich Nofsker (3/ll/l764——9/ll/1823 Hickman Cemetery, Centre Co0, Pa)0 Lived Haines and Miles township, Centre Co0, Pa, 
Married Margaret — (4/3/1779—8/23/1836) 
Ch ii dre n: 
1010 John Nofsker C?—?) Resided Gregg township0 
2., Jacob Emanuel (4/8/1808—9/13—1877) Jefferson County, Pa., 
3,, Julia(nn) (1812—1869) Center County, PA0 
4., Abraham (12/3/1815— ?) 
5,, Jakobus/James (11/1/1824-12/17/1849) Unmarried 
maybe: - 
6, Frederich (3/20/1795—4/24/1876) Centre County, Pa0 
70 (John) Jacob. (1805— ? ) Blair County, PA 
8., Samuel (1807— ?) Blair County, PA 
9,, Jonathan (1814— ?) Blair County, PA 
Second generation0 
I2 Jacob Emanuel 
Married Sophia Platner in 1830 in Centre County0 
Lived Armstrong County, Clairon County and finally Jefferson County, PA 
1,21,, John Henry (1831—1914) 
2,Julie Ann (1833— ?) 
3. Mary Susann (1837— ?) 
4,, Elisabeth (1/30/1838— ?) 
5., Margaret (1839- ?) 
6., Martin Emanuel (1842— ?) 
1.3 Julia(NN) (1812—1869) 
Married Phillip Leitzell; lived Gregg Township, Center County0 
1.,3,1. Mary A. (5/8/1839— ?) 
2,, Jane (1842— ?) 
3.. James (1845— ?) 
4,, Percival (1849— ? ) 
5. Charles (1852— ?) 
6., Susan (1855— ?) 
70 Philip (1857— ? 
8,, Sarah (1838— ?) 
1,6 Frederick 
Married Susan (1808— ?) lived at Haines township and Spring township0 
Buried Walker township.. 
I,,6l,, William (1830— ?) and 20 Susan (1832— ?) 
Continued on Page Six 
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Continued from Page Five 
I7 (John Jacob 
Married Margaret Smith (1807—1866). lived at Frankstown, Blair county, Freedom township and Junita township0 
I7l George J. (1832— ?) 
2 Mary M. (1834- ?) 
3 Margaret J0 (1837- ?) 
4 Jacob Emanuel (1838— ?) 
50 William A (1842— ?) 
6 Martha Susan (1844— ?) 
7 Sarah Ann (1848- ?) 
8 John Wilkes (1828— ?) 
9 Henry M0 (1828-1870) 
l0 Samuel V0 C? ?) 
l1 Jonathan MartTn C?—?) 
I8 Samuel 
Married Eve Suchk/Sutch (1808— ?) Lived Freedom Township, Blair County 
1.8.1. Samuel (1833— ?) 
2. Nancy (1835-. ?) 
3 Martin J0 (1837— ?) 
40 Mary E0 (1839— ?) 
5 William (1843— ?) 
6 Rebecca E0 (1846- ?) 
7 Elisa J. (1848— ?) 
8. Amanda C0 (1850—1938) 
90 John (1826— ?) 
100 Jacob Henry (1828- ?) 
l9. Jonathan 
Married Elisabeth (1820— ?) Lived Freedom and Juanalata township 
Blair County, Pa0 
I.9l. Jacob (1838— 1901) 
2 Martin (1840— ?) 
3 John C0 (1847— ?) 
Third Generation 
I2l John Henry — lived Jefferson County, PA. Married—?, Child0 Emanuel 
I.22 Julie Ann Married Henry Schaffer 
I.23. Mary Susan Married Darius Hetrcik 
I24 Elisabeth — married (1) Stephen Hetrick and (2) John T0 Mortimer 
(1823—1884). lived Polk township, Jefferson county, PA0 
l Rosa (married Robert Armstrong) 
2 Paul Hetrick of Montana 
30 John Mortimer of Colorado 
4. Margaret (married George Dixon) 
50 Sophia (married FRank Ettebiss) V 
6 William 
7. Ida (married Wilbur Work), Sheffeld, Warren County, Pa0 
8 Frank 
90 Elisabeth (married John Halburn) 
l0 Ella (married Jacob Black) 
ll Lucy (married Emmett Dunhaus) 
Continued on Page Eight 
Page Six 
Aaron Nafziger : 
HOPEDALE — Aaron Nafziger, 
92, a former Hopedale resident, 
died at 3:26 p.m. yesterday (April 
24, 1986) at Bartmans Nursing 
Home, Atlanta, where he had lived 
the past five ,rears. 
He was born Nov. 13, 1893, at 
Minier, the son of Christian B. and 
Catherine Springer Nafziger. He 
married Ella Mae Bachman on Feb. 
8, 1917, at Cazenovia. She died Nov. 
29, 1969. 
Survivors include a daughter, Velma Thomas, Hopedale; two sons, Eugene, Delavan, and Wilmer, Gridley; two brothers, Simon, Mmier, and Lawrence, Hopedale; nine grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren; and one great-great- grandchild. 
He was preceded in death by three brothers, three sisters and two grandchildren. 
Mr. Nafziger was a retired farmer, having farmed for 60 years 
Vernal L. Sutter 
ARMINGTON — Vernal L. Sutter 70, of 110 North Street, died at 5:50 p.m. yesterday (April 6, 1986) at Heritage Manor, Bloomington. He had been a patient there for a month and in ill health for one year. 
He was born Nov. 14, 1915, at 
Hçpedale, a son of Lee and Alma 
Nafziger Sutter. He married Edna 
Turner Oct. 11, 1940, at Davenport, 
Iowa. She survives. 
Also surviving are two sons, John L., Clearwater, Fla., and Gary W., Lincoln; a daughter, Susan Underwood, Bloomington; five grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; two brothers, Willis, Rantoul, and Earl, Mount Prospect; six sisters, ma Sutter, Bloomington; Edna Springer, Fisher; Oleeda Albrecht, Tiskllwa; Lela Sutter ,nd Miriam Albrecht, both of Gosen, lad.; and Jean King; Western $rings. 
The former Sue Ellen Nafziger and Paul Dolan were married at 7:30 p.m. June 28 in St. Paul’s Catholic Church at Madison, Wis. The candlelight ceremony was performed by the Rev. John Meinholz. 
The bride is the daughter of Eugene and Emily Nafziger of 501 E. Seventh St., Delavan. The bridegroom is the son of James and Janet DolanofRFD 1, Long Rock, Wis. 
Central Illinois 
Orvetta F. Naffziger 
EUREKA — Orvetta Fern Natfziger, 70, of Maple Lawn Nursing Home, Eureka, died at 8 a.m. yesterday (Feb. 10, 1986) at the nursing home. 
She was born Aug. 18, 1915, at Washington Township, a daughter of Jacob and Katherine Scherta Tm- hoff. She married Robert L. Natfziger Sept. 3, 1949, at Washington. He survives. 
Also surviving Is a brother, Glenwood, Eureka. 
She was preceded in death by a brother and a sister. 
William Nafziger 
HOPEDA,LE — William J. Nafziger, 92, formerly of Hopedale and Peoria, died at 9’09 p.m. Thursday (May 1, 1986) in the Morton Healthare Center, where he had been a resident for five years. 
He was born Nov. 3, 1893, at Hopedale, a son of Joseph and Elizabeth Grieser Nafziger. 
Surviving are two half brothers, Albert Birky, Shipshewana, hid., and Simon Birky, Tremont. 
He was preceded in death by two brothers, a half sister, two half brothers, three stepsisters and four stepbrothers. 
Mr. Nafziger farmed for a number of years in the Hopedale area before moving to Peoria, where he was employed first at Hotel Pere Marquette and later as a salesman for the Clark Paper Co. 
HOPEDALE — Roger Springer of Middlebury, hid., son of Duane and Freeda Springer of Hopedale, and Eileen Lais of Goshen, Tad., exchanged wedding vows in a 2 p.m. ceremony June 22 at Zion Mennonite Church, Hubbard, Ore. Her parents are Frank Lais of Can- by, Ore., and the late Wanona Lais. 
Planning a May 24 wedding are 
Sheila Nafziger of 1202 N. Linden 
St., Normal, and Alan Castleman of 
1410 Croxton Ave., Apt. 10, Bloomington. Parents of the couple are 
Mr: and Mrs. Lyle Nafziger of the 
Linden Street address and Mr. and 
Mrs. Robert Castleman of Danvifie. 
- Brian Dale Srlnger was born Jan. 4 to Jeffrey and Lisa Springer of Minier. The 8-pound, 12ouuce baby shares his 
father’s middle name. Heis a brother of Jennifer Annette, 2. Paul and Ruth Kucik of Hopedale and ElmO and Irene Springer of rural Stanford are grandparents. 
Mark Andrew Springer is the name chosen for the first child of Mitch and Carol Springer of Minier. The 8-pound, 9-ounce baby was born Dec. 30. He is a grandson of Bob and Elverta Good of Smithville, Ohio, and Elmo and Irene Springer of rural Stanford. 
Pauline Springer of Hopedale has a new grandchild, Melissa Kay Springer born March 13. The 8-pound, 4½-ounce baby is the first child of Jun and Brenda Springer of Overland Park, Kan. Maternal grandparents are Julia and Harold Beall of Shawnee Mission, Kan. Sadie Nafziger of Hopedale is great- grandmother. 
Tait Daniel Hilimer, born April 4, is a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Art Nafziger of 401 Delmar Lane, Bloomington. The 9-pound, 10-ounce baby is the fourth child of Maj. and Mrs. Robert S. Hil[mer of Norfolk, Va. He is middle-nameor his maternal grandfather. The new arrival is a brother of Kerin, 11; Lisa, 8; and Brian, 4. Ellen Hilimer of Sedona, Ariz., is paternal grandmother and Mabel Nafziger of 1301 N. Center St., Bloomington, is great-grandmother. 
Page Seven 
Continued from Page Six 
1.2.5.. Margaret — married Hugh McKillips of Richardsbille, Pa0 
1.2.6 Martin Emanuel — Married ?; lived Warsaw township, Jefferson County, PA 
1.3.1. Mary Ann — married John.IJ,. Long (2/12/1837) 
1. Charles P. of Spring Mills 
2,. George FL 
3. Phillip 00 of Potters Mill 
40 Susan E. (married Robert Neese of George’s Valley) 
5. Ida M, 
60 Frank 
[.6.1. William — married Mary (?) and lived at Pleasant Gap, •Centre County. 
Child — 
I6..l..1. James (1857 — ?) 
1.8.8 John Wilkes — married Catharine; Child is Margaret 
I..2.1.1. Emanuel Martin — Married ?, Child is Alton Earl 
We are short of space again this issue. Hopefully, we can answer some of the letters that we received through the nextqssue of the News and/or through a personal letter to you from one of the editors. Among the many letters that we must provide some response are Bob Noffsinger of Shore, California, 3., L0 Nafzinger of Hutchinson, Kansas, Jerry Wittrig of Goshen, Indiana, Laura Clapper of Mansfield, Ohio, Donald Noffsinger of Anderson, Indiana, Lynn Nafziger of Goshen, IndianaLaVeta Nafziger of Minier, Illinois. Marie Hollinger of Mason City, Iowa, Glen & Lois Bakehouse of [ledrick, Iowa, The Immels of Grandville, Illinois., and B.. Dickson of Lansing, Michigan.. Also, Ray Dieffenbach of Elizabethown, Pa., Vilas & Erma Nafziger of Hopedale, Iiiinojs, Rudolf Nafziger of Ludenscheid, West Germany, Gerhard and Traudle Nafziger of Stockdorf, West Germany and of course, the many letters that we receive from Wilmer Nafziger of Gridely, Illinois.. 
Excerpts from letter of Rosemary Schertz of Gibson City, Illinois — “After working on Dad’s of the family for several years and publishing A Tree Grows in Funks Grove, I am again working on Mother’s side of the family0 .,.The Ottos and Nafziger (Naffzigers).. Enclosed are pages from my Otto records” Also she asks about the connection of Christian Nafziger (Hopedale line) to the Nafzigers/Naffzigers 
of Jacob Nafziger family who emigrated to America in 1847.. I believe that Ray N oftsger 
4 . 
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Oshen, Tnd. 46526 

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Last Modified: 2004-07-05