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After this project is complete we can begin manually correcting these texts a make them available as presentable articles Choose an issue. See here for the pdf version (scanned images) of this issue.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nafzger Heritage News Vol VII No 1 Raw OCR - 7/14/04 Please see pdf version for original image http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~nafzger/NHN/NHNvVIIn1.pdf -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- e J ger J JJ VOL.VII, lb. 1 lbvember 197? IDENTIFY THESE NAFZGER LINES Thanks to Muriel Oliver of St. Petersburg, Florida for sending us a list of Nafzgers listed in several telephone directories in Florida. We will send them a free sample copy of the News to see if they care to join the Nafzgers geneologists who are checking their heritage. If some of our readers have names that they would like to receive a sample copy of the News, please forward the name and address and we will be happy to send one their way. The collections of newspaper clipp ings of births, marriages, and deaths occuring in the Hopedale, Illinois area were sent to us by Wilmer Nafziger of Gridley, Illinois. Many thanks to Wilmer for his help. Such kindness can help us keep the records of a family line updated. In this issue of the l4ews, we will feature several Nafzger lines where we have very little background information on file. We have not been able to identify where or when they landed in America or if they connect to one of the earlier Nafzger lines. We hope that by printing what little information we have on the line, it will provide our readers with enough clues to identify them and provide us with more complete information for the file. Remember, in each line, we are attempting to acquire a complete list of descendants for that Nafzger and to identify his ancestors - especially his parents. So if you can help us with any of the following Nafzgers - please write. Dan and Joy Nafziger of Renton, Washington provides information on the firstfeatured family line. He is John Nafziger, who was born in 1836 and died in 1894. John had three brothers; Daniel, Jacob, and Joseph, and two sisters, Phoebe and Kate: He married Adelia Almeura Axtel and they had ten children. Children are: Chole-Phoebe, born 1872; Almira, born 1874; Maggie,born 1876; loder, born 1878; Daniel, born 1880; John, born 1882; Mary, born 1884; Francis, born 1886; Grover, born 1889; and Christie Cleveland , born 1 891 . John brought his wife and ten children to Kansas in 1893 and settled on a farm east of Wichita. They came from Ohiotown, Illinois in November in a railroad car. It is not known if all of the children were born in Ohiotown. We have some information on the children. Almira married John Crum and two children were born of the continued next column contfnued previous column marriage; Christy and Adelia. Mag gie married Henry Hoffman and children are; Mary, Marian, Edward, and Almira. Children of Daniel who married Virgie Henderson are: Floyd, Louis, Maxine. Mary married Row- land Hoyle and their children are Marion , Towland , Everett, and Bertha. Christie Cleveland married Letha Marie Constant. Children are Dean and Juanita. If you are a descendant of this family line and know the parents and/or ancestors of John Nafziger, please write so a better historical record can be made. In the last issue of the News, we carried a biographical sketch of Christian P. Nafziger. From the sketch, we know that the parents of Christian was Jacob and Catherine Nafziger and emigrated to America in 1853. With the exception of Christian, we have very little information on the other children of Jacob and Cath erine. Other children of the marrieage are Augustus, Eliza, Helen, Helena, Katherine, and Henrietta. We would like data such as date of birth and death, who and when did they marry and a list of descendants for each one. Thus, if any of our readers can help with information on this family line, please write. Also, we do not have a very complete list of descendants of Christian P. Nafziger nor vital data on their descendants. We hope the descendants of this family line will write to us. Continued on Page Three COMMENDATION PUBLISHED EVERY MARCH JULY, SEPTEMBER AND DECEMBER I will be sending you the names of some more descendants of Jacob Nafziger who landed in America in 1847. Its the Jacob who was featured in the last issue of the News. Ruth Barthel is a great, great, great, granddaughter that I did not see listed. Some great, great, great, great, grandchildren are: Michael Butler Ryan Butler Steven Butler Herne Shapiro Erin Milligan David Milligan Jason Kestler Leif Stevenson Sky Stevenson Also, IdaHabeckers last name was listed as Yerke which should have been Rusmissel. Her sister was Lina (Habecker) Yerke. Other great, great, great, great grandchildren are Jane(Handy) Skillmore, Patricia Handy, Judy Handy, Faye Louise Handy, Marianne (Handy) Smith, James Handy, Richard Handy, Brenda Handy. Mrs. John Clark Bloomington, Illinois CAN YOU HELP IDENTIFY THE FOLLOWING NAFLAJ %HO ARE LISTED IN THE 1880 CENSUS Actually, it may well have been that we passed by one of the listed Nafzgers from the 1880 Census and just failed to make the connection to one of our featured Nafzger lines. It is quite easy to do with so many names involved. Write and tell us about any of the following Nafzgers. DANIEL NAFFSIGER, 29 years old, born in Canada, resided in Peoria township, Peoria County, Illinois. Wife is Martha, 25 years old who was born in Indiana. Children are Ella, 6 years old, born in Indiana; Mollie, 4 years old, born in Illinois and Rose, 2 years old. JOHN C. NOFSINGER, 38 years old, born in Illinois, residing in Washington township, Tazewell County, Illinois. wife is Catherine, 29 years old, born in Illinois; children are Peter, 11 years old; Christian, 9 years old;Joseph, 8 years old, John, 5 years old and Emma, 3 years old. All of the children were born in Illinois. VALENTINE NAFFZIGER, 47 years old, born in Hessen, Germany and living at Pleasant Ridge township, Livingston County, Illinois. Wife is Fredrecke, 44 years old; children are Amelia, 22 years old, Edwin, 20 years old; Elizabeth, 18 years old,; Ida, 12 years old; Oddo, 9 years old and Bertha, 7 years old. All of the children were born in Illinois. JOHN NOFSINGER, 33 yers old, born in Prussia and residing in Cherokee County, Ross township, Kansas. Wife is Anna, 35 years old, born in Prussia, Germany; children are Mary, 9 years old who was born in Illinois; Carrie, 7 years old, born in Kansas, Annie, 4 years old, born in Kansas and Martha, 1 year old and born in Kansas. WILLIAM NAFFZIGER 32 years old resided at Danvers towship, McLean County, Illinois. Wife is Mollie, 27 years old and born in Bavaria, Germany. Children are Hugh, 5 years old, born in Illinois and Erman, 4 years old, born in Illinois. Also, living with William was Catherine Habecker, 50 years old who was his mother-in-law. I I I THENAFZGERHERITAGENEWS I I 120 Edgewood Drive I I Grafton,0h1o44044 I I I I EDITORS AND PUBLISHERS I I I I CLAIRNAFTZGER I I KATHLEENNAFTZGER I I BETTYNAFTZGER I I I I SUBSCRIPTONPRICE $5.OOyearly I I I I Published quarterly I I I The Fulton County publication has been slowed for the lack of money to finish the project. We are continuing with the collection of data on the three family lines and will await the flow of some more dollars to complete the project. One lesson gained from such a venture is that the costs can quickly exceed your expected income because of the limited sales that is possible from any one family line. The project has been slowed but not halt . A few copies of the first part of the three part series of the Fulton County Nofziger will be availableforsaleafterthefirst ofthe year. It will feature descendants of Christian t who lived during the 1777-1849 period and was authored by Thurlow Nofziger of Toledo, Ohio. Cost of the publication is $7.25 plus 50 cents for postage.. Page Two IDENTIFY THE DESCENDANTS Continued from page one Th e final featured Nafzger family Iin in this issue of the News is Joseph Naffziger who was married to Barbara Yantze. They came from Alsace-Loraine, France. Children of this marriage are John, who was born on the way to America; Kate, who married a Rocke; Phoebe, who married a Zonn; Magdalena, who married a Kauffman; Christian, who was born near Toronto; Canada in 1844; Barbara, who married a Wagler and Joseph, who had five sons; Joseph, Enos, William, Millard, and Earl. In 1850, Christian or perhaps the family of Joseph moved to Iowa and in 1869 to Kansas. Still later in 1878, they moved to Washington State. Christian was married to Paulina Fordenwalt in 1889. The only child born to Christian and Paulina was Irma, who married Walter Howard Pritchard. It would appear that Joseph was born in 1808 and died in Osage County, Kansas. Also, it is believed that he emigrated to Canada and moved from Canada to Iowa from there. From another source we have the following information on the Kansas Naffzigers and we believe they connect to the one just described. Christian Naffziger was born in Waterloo County, Canada in 1845, his parents being J.S. and Josephine (Naffziger) Naffziger, whose native birthplace were Bavaria Germany and France, respectively. J.S. Naffziger was born in 1820 and was a child of five years when he came with his parents to America. They resided in Continued - next column Lancaster County, Penn for a number of years before they moved to Waterloo County Canada. Here, J.S. Naffziger resided until nineteen years of age, then went to New York State. He resided for two years in Lowell County and returned to Canada in 1841 to marry Josephine Naffziger, a distant relation. In 1851, they moved to Lee County, Iowa, locating about 18 miles north of Keokuk where they lived until 1859 when they moved to Hickory County, Missouri. Children of J.S. and Josephine are Catherine, John, David, Daniel, Samuel, Benjamin and Christian. Catherine married Jacob J. Stuckey; John was a ranchman in New Mexico, Samuel died at the age of 24 years in 1875; Benjamin a merchant at El Dorado Springs, Missouri. Christian re mained on his fathers farm until 1870 when he returned to Jasper County, Missouri and worked in the zinc mines until 1881 when he purchased an interest in the Star Union Grist and Saw Mills of Wheatland. He was married to Mary Rich in 1885. David Naffziger, the third son of J.S. and Josephine Naffziger was born ii Waterloo County, Canada in 1846. He with his parents moved from Canada to Lee County, Iowa, in 1851 and later in 1858 to Hickory County, Missouri. He moved to Pulaski, Iowa in 1869 and later to Western Territories. He was a very successful miner but according to our sources spent the money as fast as it came. Later he returned to Wheatland and engaged in the mill business until 1883. Mrs. Leona Baughman who is a frequent writer to the NEWS reports the marriage of her son, Raymond. Raymond Alan Baughman was married to Lori Lynn Adams of Navarre, Ohio on June 18th at the St. Paul United Church of Christ at Navarre. Also, Mrs. Baughmans father, John F. Nofsinger has moved from Kalkaska, Michigan to Navarre, Ohio. The. Nofsinger family line of which John is a descendant, represents some of the early Stark County settlers. As best as we can with the information we have, it would appear that the family line are descendants of Matthew Nafzger who landed in America in 1749. . -1_r__._ --- - - . We arehappy to learn that the old Nafzger Cemetery near Palymara is being cared for by David W. Stauffer of Palmyra, Pennsylvania. We have a letter from David indicating that he plans to see that the job is done each year as it is needed. Mr. Stauffer indicated that no contributions will be necessary. But we at the NEWS have visited the cemetery and know that from time to time it will take repairs and upkeep that costs money. So if any Nafzger descendants feel the urge to make a contribution for the upkeep of this cemetery, they may write to David W. Stauffer 429 E. Walnut St., Palmyra, Pa., 17078 We are grateful to Mr. Stauffer for his kind offer to donate his time to the project. Write and let Mr. Stauffer know how much we appreciate his offer. Paae Three From: History of Randolph County, Indiana By E. Tucker-1882 SARAH A. NOFFSINGER, farmer, P.O. Union City, born July 5,1882 in Wayne County, md.; She was married July 9,1840, to Eli Noffsinger, who was born April 6,1806, in Montgomery County, Ohio. The following children blessed this union; Enos, born Aug. 18,1841 ; Aaron, June 8,1843; Jesse P., Nov. 21 ,1845; Andrew, Jan. 21,1847, Minerva, April 6,1849, deceased April 8,1851 ; Saloma, Dec. 18,1851 ; John, March 7,1856; Sarah, June 23,1858; James, Feb. 7,1861; William P., Feb. 22,1863; and Leonard v., May 17,1865. Mrs. Noffsinger is a faithful member of the German Baptist Church; owns a good farm of 160 acres of land, and is a lady of whom her neighbors are proud. Mr. Eli Noffsinger died Oct. 8,1872; was a member of the German Baptist Church. Enos married Polly A. Stewart; Aaron, Mollie Sipple; Jese P., Nancy C. Shinaberg; Andrew, first wife, Hettie N. Stover, second wife, Catherine Bowman; Saloma married George M. Lauter; John married Ann M. Bricker, Sarah A., married Silas Kreider. ELI NOFFSINGER, farmer, P.O. Union City, born March 28,1835 in Montgomery Co., Ohio, came here in 1848; after making several changes, finally settled here in 1870. He was educated in the common schools of his native state, and was married Sept. 26,1857, to Martha Noffsinger, born Dec. 31,1838. The following children blessed this union; Elizabeth, born July 7,1858; deceased Nov. 26,1864; Henry, Dec. 22,1859; Ida, Oct. 18,1861 ; Noah, Feb. 13,1864: Joseph, Mar. 9,1866; Edward, Mar. 17,1868; Clara J., Jan. 1 ,1872; and Dora, July 4,1874. He and his worthywife are members of the German Baptist Church. His father was Eli Noffsinger, born July 4,1794, in Washington Co., Pa., deceased in Illinois, 1861 ; his wife was originally Mary Pressel, a native of Virginia. Mr. Noffsinger is an industrious, conscientious gentleman. More Letters . . Mr. and Mrs. Tom Nafziger of Bloomington, Illinois, are the parents of a son born September 1 1 ,1977. The baby was named Brian Thomas and is the brother of Cinday, John, and Julies. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nafziger of Bloomington are grandparents. We are in receipt of a number of newspaper clippings from Schuyler C. Brossman of Rehrersburg, Pa. Mr. Brossman collects articles from the area newspapers on the ____________________________ Nafzger families and forwards them to the -- News. Many thanks to Schuyler for his kindness and effort to help the Nafzgers with their heritage work. You may see some slowdown in work on the Nafzger heritage during the next few months - as C.E. Naftzger, one of the editors of this ________ publication, begins a new job with the Department of Education, Kent State University. Kathleen Nafzger, another one of the editors of the News is a senior at Kent State and will be doing her student teaching during the Spring Quarter. Before you ask, none of the Kent State Nafzgers are involved with the hill dispute. Christian Nafziger was born in Alsace, France and lived his entire life in the area. He was married to Marie Kempf in Alsace. Children of the marriage are Valentine, Christian, Peter, and Mrs. Joseph Rupp. Mrs. Rupp remained in France and it would appear that all three sons emigrated to America. More Naftzgers C. P. Nafziger, 53 years township, Fulton County, years old and born old residing in Bloomington Illinois. Wife is Catherine, 51 in Westenburg, Germany. C.P. Nafziger, 53 years old, and born in Ewstenburg, Germany residing in Bloomington township, Fulton County, Illinois. Wife is Catherine, 51 years old and born in Baden, Germany. Children are Frederic, 26 years old, Lora, 24 years old, Arthur, 18 years old, and Amelia, 10 years old. All of the children were born in lllinois. C.J. Nafziger, 47 years old, and born in Germany residing in Allen Township, McLean County, Illinois. Wife is Eliza, 36 years old, and born in Germany. Children are Oscar, 14 years old, Arthur, 12 years old, Edwin, 9 years old, Freda, 7 years old, and Albert, 5 years old. All the children were born in Illinois. John Nafziger, 42 years old, and residing in Washington County, Tazewell County, Ilinois. Wife is Katherine, 40 years old; Children are Susia, 15 years old; Lana, 14 years old; Phebe, 9 years old; Emma, 7 years old; William, 6 years old, Samuel, 3 years old, Benjamin, 6 months old, and Annie, 12 years old. All of the familywere born in lllnois. On the next few pages, you will find a list of some of the descendants of Peter Nafziger of Illbach, Germany. A listing of some of the descendants appearred in the March 1 , 1976 issue of the News. Here are some more descendants that you can add to your notebook. Great grandchildren of Peter of ilibach, Germany 4-20 MOSES STOLTZFuS(3-12) 4-21 SYLVANUS STOLTZFUS(3-12) 4-22 ELSIE STOLTZFUS(3-12) Burialin 1878. 4-23 SELINA STOLTZFUS(3-12) Born in 1880. Married in to Thomas E Bechett. 4-24 PRISCILLA STOLTZFUS(3-12) Born in 1883. Married in to Frank Coleman. 4-25 RUTH STOLTZFus(3-12) Born in 1884- 4-26 MARY CATHERINE STOLTZFUS(3-12) Born in 1885. Married in to Edward Michot. 4-27 LYDIA HARTZ(3-15) Born in 1882. Married in to Sylvanus Stoltzfus. 4-28 AMOS HARTZ(3-15) Born in 1884. Married in to Susan M Jurtz. 4-29 ELAM HARTZ(3-15) Born in 1887. Married in to Malinda Hertzler. 4-SO MAGDALENA HARTZ(3-15) Born in 1890. Died at the age of seven years. Burial in 1897. 4-31 REBECCA HARTZ(3-15) Born in 1895. Married in to John M Mast. 4-32 IRA HARTZ(3-15) Born in 1897. Married in to Mirian Good. 4-33 OLIVER HARTZ(3-15) Born in 1902. Died at the age of seventeen years. Burial in 1919. 4-34 SADIE ANNALENA HARTZ(3-16) Born in 1890. Married in to William Hammers. 4-35 ADA SELINE(a in 1 892. Married in to George F Witman. .___ ___________________________w From Martha C. Reed of Faliston, Maryland On the 27th of November, 1977, it will be 150 years ago that the widow of Peter Nafzinger of lllbach was put off board the ship Henry Clay due to lack of funds. She was trying to reach relatives in Canada. They sailed from Amsterdam September 1 ,1827 and six days later, five year old Mary died and was buried at sea. Peter having been imprisoned for preaching the Word was now in failing health. Members of his church had raised the money for him to be released providing he would leave the country. On September 26th, he also died and was buried at sea. Jacobina knew no one, nor where to turn for help in this new country. On board the ship was an eighteen year old Mennonite lad who evidently had bury this man and his little daughter in the deep dark water. He had enough compassion and concern for the mother and remaining six children under nine years of age to seek help. It was Casper Schartzentruber who walked more than 20 miles in search of Christian Zug, a mennonite at Malvern, Pa. . He was one who helped the immigrants. Recently, I had the pleasure of visiting with C.J. Kurtz and wife of Elverson, Pa. . He led us to this Zug Homestead. It is a beautiful place and in spelended condition. We saw the springhouse where my great-great grandmother lived in the upstairs for 3 months. Homes were found for the children among the Mennonite people. The springhouse is quite long. Stairs go up at one end of the building and the doors were made like grandgfathers stable doors. We were told this place would be on the upcoming Chester County Historical tour. It is timely that the several hundred decendants of this courageous mother remember Caspter and his good deed. But for his leading and help it is no telling where the widow would have located. Great grandchildren of Peter of Ilibach, Germany 4-73 GRACE NAFZINGER(3-20) Born in 1888. Died at the age of one year. Burial in 1889. 4-74 ALMA LYDIA NAFZINGER(3-20) Born in 1889, Reno County, Kansas. Married in 1916 to D. S. Lauver. Residence: Partridge, Kansas. Children: Phillip(5-95), Norman(5-96), Elizabeth(5-9 7), Ruth(5-98) and William(5-99). 4-75 FRANK HOWARD NAFZINGER(3-20) Born in 1893. 4-76 HATTIE M NAFZINGER(3-20) Born in 1894. 4-77 LEWIS P NAFZINGER(3-20) Born in 1899, Reno County, Kansas. Married in 1929 to Elsie Hines at Hutch- inson, Kansas. Residence: Hutchinson, Kansas. Children: Joyce(5-94). 4-78 LENA BLANCHE NAFZINGER(3-20) Born in 1901. 4-79 JOHN LUTHER NAFZINGER(3-20) Born in 1907, Reno County, Kansas. Married in 1926 to Dorothy M Hines. (1906- ). Residence: Hutchinson, Kansas. Children: John(5-88) and Larry(5-89). 4-80 CLARA LYDIA MAST(3-21) Born in 1886, Baltimore Countv. Maryland M in 1907 to Charles A Withrow ( -1927 Residence: Norfolk, Virginia. Children: Claude(5-1S) and Clara(5-1 2nd. marriage in to John Singleton Harrison after the death of Charles 4-81 FRANCES ELIZABETH MAST(3-21) Born in 1 88 7 , Baltimore County, Maryland. Married in 19 1 5 to C. E. Hayes Barnhart. Residence: Denbigh, Virginia. Children: Mildred(5-73), John(5-74), Frances(5-75), C. E. Hayes Junior(5-76), Ruth(5-77) and Calvin(5-78). 4-82 ANNA LENORA MAST(3-21) Born in 1889, Baltimore County, Maryland. Married in 1924 to Ernest C Miller. Residence: Denbigh, Virginia. Children: Ernest(5 -79), Lillian(5-80) and Charles(5-81). 4-83 HELENA ESTELLA MAST(3-21) Born in 1890, Baltimore County, Maryland. Died in infancy. Burial in 1890. 4-84 CHARLES HOWARD MAST(3-21) Married in 1914 to Ella Mildred Curtis in Warwick County, Virginia. Residence: Lynnhaven, Virginia. Children: Charles(5-82), Howard(5-83), Clyde(5-84) and Elizabeth(5-85). 4-85 RUTH ISABEL MAST(3-2 1) Born in 1892, Baltimore County, Maryland. Married in 19 1 7 to Louis Francis. Everett of North Carolina. Residence: Norfolk, Virginia. Children: Ruth(5-15) 4-86J0HN W4 MAST(3-21) Born in 1894. Burial in 1895. 4-87 EMMA C MAST(3-21) Born in 1895. Married in to Everett. Residence: Baltimore County,Maryland. 4-88 EDNA REBECCA MAST(3-21) Born in 1897. Died at the age of three years. Burial in 1900. 4-89 SARAH LETA MAST(3-21) Born in 1901 . Died in infancy. Burial in 1901. 4.90 ELSIE LUCILE MAST(3-21) Born in 1903. Died in infancy. Burial in 1903. Paqe Six The death of Melissa Kaye Needles, age 23 months at Childrens Memorial Hospital in Chicago has been reported. She was born October 15, 1975. Surviving are two brothers, John and Cliff; grandparents, Mrs. Vivian Obets Stanford, Illinois; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nafziger, Stanford; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Boaz, Bloomington and Carl Needles, Canada; great grandparents Mrs. J.S. Brown, Lake Jackson, Texas, and Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Needles, Centraliz. Mrs. Grace Nafsinger, 89, of Caldwell, idaho and formerly of Yuton died in Caldwell. She was born May 6, 1888 near Bloomington, Illinois, adaughterof Frank and Agnes Lash. She married Harry Nafsinger in 1913, in Bloomington. He died in 1948. Surviving are a son Dick, and Eleanore Adair, nine grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Two sons also preceded her in death. She was a schoolteacher, having taught at Yuton and Randol ph. Mrs. Adina B. Oswald, 92, of Morton, Illinois died at the Queenwood Convalescent Home, Morton. She was born December 21 , 1884 in Minier, a daughter of Jacob A. and Magdalena Heiser Naffziger. She married Carl B. Oswald in 1909 at Washington, Illinois. He died in 1951. Survivors include four sons, Homer, Claren, Elton, and Ralph; one sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Miller, eight grandchildren and two step-grandch ildren; James Nafsinger, 62, a former Bloomington, Illinois resident died at Caldwell, Idaho. Mr. Nafsinger was born near Bloomington, a son of Harry and Grace Lash Nafsinger. They moved from Bloomington about 1930 to a farm in the Snake River area. Survivors are an uncle, Toby Nafsinger and an aunt, Mrs. Harry Lash. The death of John Nafziger, 92, a retired Minier, Illinois farmer is reported. He was born March 7, 1885, in Minier, a son of Daniel and Katie Schertz Nafziger. He married Otilla Sutter in 1908. She died in 1917. He later married Anna Schantz in 1921. She died in 1945. Surviving are a son, Vilas Nafziger; a brother Silas Nafziger; a sister Mrs. Lena Litwiller, five grandchjJ and I we greatgrand ildren. Two brothers - precended him in death. Christian W. Nafziger, 87, La Junta, Colorado, a former Hopedale, Illinois Page Seven resident, died at Fowler, Colorado. He was born Oct. 15, 1889, in Hopedale, a son of Christian C. and Lena Grieser Nafziger. Several nieces and nephews survive. Three sisters and a brother preceded him in death. Mr. Nafziger had lived in La Junta, Colorado for 35 years. Miss Maried Nafziger, 84, a resident of Hopedale, Illinois for the past 48 years died at Hopedale. She was born May 21, 1892 at M in ier, Illinois, the daughter of Katherine Springer Nafziger. Surviving are three brothers, Aaron, Simon and Lawrence. Three brothers and two sisters preceded her in death. Kenneth William Siscoe, 84, died at Hopedale, Illinois. He was born May 20, 1892, in Brown County Indiana, a son of Alanza and Ella Mae Day Siscoe. He married Phoebe K. Nafziger in 1916. She died in 1961 . Surviving are nine sons, Maynard, Armund, Norman, Elvern, Levon, Estelle Weldo, Galen and Lyneal; five daughters, Mrs. Meredith Wilson, Mrs. Wenona Rhoades, Miss Beryl and Miss Virginia Siscoe; 24 grandch ildren ; 1 2 great-grand- children and a sister. Dennis L. Sutter, 51 , died at Eureka, Illinois. He was born November 5, 1925 at Hopedale, Illinois, a son of Lee and Alma Nafziger Sutter. He married Mailyn Schertz in 1952 at Washington, Illinois. Surviving are a son, Ronald, two daughters, Miss Jean Sutter, and Miss Joy Sutter; three brothers, Vernal, William and Earl; seven sisters, Miss ma Sutter, Mrs. Edna Springer, Mrs. Oleeda Albrecht, Miss LeIa Sutter, Mrs. Miriam Albrecht, Mrs. Alice Wenger, and Mrs. Jean King. Daniel Nafzinger, husband of the late SteIla Boltz Nafzinger, died at Mt. Hope Brethren Church Home at the age of 86 years. Born in Union Township, Lebanon County, he was a retired farmer who attended market in Lebanon. He was a member of the Annville Church of the Brethren and the Beliegrove Fire Co.. Surviving are a nephew, Gideon Shanaman, five grandchildren; seven great grandchild- req and a sister, Cora Kohr. Burial was in the South Annville Cemetery. He was preceded in the death by a son, ElmerC. Nafzinger. ii Letters, Letters, Letters,.... We have a nice letter from Dr. J.H. Deam of Holmes Beach, Florida. He is interested in acquiring more information on Matthew Nafzger and his Revolutionary War activities. Matthew landed in America in 1749 and settled in Berks County, Pennsylvania. Descendants may write to Dr. Deam at the Island Medical Center, Holmes Beach, Florida. I _ Peter was born in 1845 and died in 1910. He was married in 1871 to Catherine Belsly in France. He emigrated to America shortly after his marriage and lived in Illinois for three or four years prior to returning to France to live for about seven years. He then returned to America and settled near Goodland, Indiana. Children of this family are Madeline, Helen, Valentine, Elizabeth, Peter, Joseph, and Julia. Peter is buried at the Goodland Cemetery, Goodland, Indiana. Christian Nafziger was.born in 1837 at Gonderexange, Alsace, Lorraine, France. He died in 1912 and is buried at the Goodland Cemetery. He was married in 1869 to Anna Asch and came to America in 1882 settling near Phenoa, Illinois. They moved to Indiana in 1895 and lived on a farm near Brook, Indiana until his death. Children are: Peter, Christian, Helen, Mary, and Marie. .- Most of the information we have on file on this Nafzger line came from Vivian Nafziger of Normal, Illinois and Leona Lehe of Lona Lehr of Rensselaer, Indiana. We have no information on the descendants of Valentine who we believe lived near Stanford, Illinois. Thus, if you are a descendant of Christian Nafziger of Alsace, France, please write to the News and tell us about yourself. We have a letter from Lakelynρ Naftzger Bridenstine of West Salem, Ohio. Lakalynn is a descendant of Jacob Nafzgerwho landed in America in 1750. We are in receipt of the book put together by the Ed Noffsinger family of McMinniville, Oregon. Ed is a descendant of Rudolph Noffsinger who landed in America in 1749 on the same. ship as Matthew and Peter. a _ Naftzger Heritage News 1 20 Edgewood Drive Grafton, Ohio 44044See here for the pdf version (scanned images) of this issue. Copyright 2020 Benjamin Noffsinger |
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Last Modified: 2004-07-05 |