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He changed the spelling of his name from Nofsker to being discovered at Goshen Co1 Nosker when he moved to Ohio. George is buried in Iroquois County, Ill• lege in Goshen, Indiana. Edu— inois. Another brother, John Jacob Nofsker was born in 1805, married cation of heritage. Margaret in 1827, and is buried at Newry, Pennsylvania. The third bro— We received a letter from the ther was born in 1808 and married Sophia Plottner in 1831. He resided Mennonite Historical Library at at Center County, Pennsylvania and is buried in Blair County, Pennsyl— Goshen College explaining what vania. We have not accounted for the whereabouts of descendants of the had happened. other two brothers, William and Martin nor for the parents of the fain— At the request of the editor ily. We hope some of the readers to the News will supply us with the in- of the Goshen College Record,one formation. of the students, Mary Smucker, The family Bible is in the did some research on relation— posession f Larry Smith of Penn— ships among the faculty—student sylvania who is a direct descend— body. ant of John Jacob Nofsker. He Her research revealed a has identified the children of noticeable group of relatives John as John Jr. Henry, George, . interchanged to Sue and Randy Mary, Margaret, Jacob, William, Springer, Janice and Marcia Wen— Martha, Samuel, Sarah, and Jona— ger, and Karen and Audrey than. Richard Nofsker of Edin— Swartzendruber. The Springers burg, Pennsylvania (a descendant and Wengers are descended from of Emanuel Nofsker) identifies CHRISTIAN NAFZIGER who was fea— Emanuel’s children as John, Mary, tured in the second issue of the Julia, Elizabeth, Margaret, and News. Martin. The records at the Co— These, however, are not the shockton County courthouse re— only ones who represent the Naf— veal that the children of George zger heritage at Goshen College. are Samuel,Abed, Benjamin,Henry, It would appear that many other James, Catherine and George, The representatives of descendants five brothers would probably con— of Christian who have taken on nect to one of the early Nafzgera married names can be traced to Goshen when more research has Enclosed is a reprint of a pic— who entered the United States in ture I have of the five Nosker the 1750 period. Our inability been completed. brothers. I am not able to iden— to identify the parents of the tify them individually with any five boys has stopped us from degree of accuracy but my grand— making a definite connection. mother had listed them on the ____________________ back of the picture as George, A recent visitor to Grafton, William, Martin, Manuel, and Ohio to look over some of the Jacob, but we cannot be sure if work on the Nafzger heritage was she listed them in order of seat— Recently, the Naftzgers of the Harold E Nofziger of Archbold, ing arrangements on the photo. Nafzger Heritage News attended Ohio. We enjoyed our discussion the Nosker family reunion near of the many Nofziger—Nafzigers LARRY SMITH, East Freedom, Penn. Chicago held on July 13th. De— living in the Fulton County area ___________________ scendants of Harley B. Nosker of Ohio. In addition, Mr. Nofzi— met for a wonderful chicken din— ger was able to supply us with Two visitors to the Naftzger ner, some home movies of past some missing information and help home in Graf ton from Akron, Ohio meetings and a general discuss- S us with some confusing lines of were Mrs. Stanley B Noffsinger ion of the heritage of their fain Nofziger—Nafzigers. We hope Mr. and daughter, Joyce. They are ily. Harley B Nosker is a direct Nofziger will find time to stop direct descendants (s.ixth and sev— descendants of George Nofsker who and visit with us again. th)generation of Rudolph Nof f— is one of the five brothers fea— singer who entered the U.S. in tured in this issue of the 1749. VOL III, No. 4 THE NA FZGER HERITAGE NEWS September lI, 1974 COPIES OF BACK ISSUES Each week, the News receives requests for past issues of the newsletter. We have exhausted our supply of extra Copies and must move towards redoing our plates for reprinting. We plan to do this next summer. We hope that Nafzgers requesting Copies will understand that time will not permit the printing of past issues when we are so busy try ing to take care of the business at hand of getting material to gether for the September issue INSTANT NOBILITY? INSTANT N•BILITY for $2.95 is an article written by Charles J Hos— tetter and published by the Elyria Chronicle Telegram of Elyria, Ohio. We teprinted the article without editing because it relates well to the problem of coats—of—arms for German names. “Did you know the family name of Schoepfle now has an exclusive and particularly beautiful coat of arms?” the letter asked. “This may surprise you, since Schoepfle is an extremely rare name.” The letter came to Otto Schoepfle, our board chairman, a couple of weeks ago. Coincidentally, it arrived the day after I had men tioned receiving such a letter last year. You have to appr the background of the Schoepfle and Hostetter families to appreciate the humor of the “family coat— of—arms” bit. The Hochstetlers——the name has a dozen variation now—were what I call “Austrain hillbillies.” The family apparently started in Switzerland, moved to Austria and couple other European countries because of religious problems,then emigrated to the United States. Because “Deutsch” is what Germans call themselves, they naturally became “Pennsylvania Dutch.” Most of them have been farmers, and still are, although they’re scattered across the country and lot of us no longer follow the Amish faith. Otto’s folks are of somewhat the same stock——farmers, with per haps a shoemaker or miller from time to time. Just honest folks working with their hands to wring a livelihood from the soil So the idea of a coat of arms for either o us is r&djculous. As a matter of fact, the coat of arms is a fiction of someone’s imagination, perusal of our letters reveals. The woman who wrote us apparently does research in family his tories. Running across a likely name, she throws in a little general information,then has soneone draw up the coat of arms for thclusion in a one page report —— all for $2.95. We’ve had one of our heraldic artists create and interpret the Schoepfle coat of arms, exactly as the heralds of medieval times did it for the knights and nobleman” she wrote Otto. It was good for a lugh, maybe it would be work the $2.95 to see what her idea of my family coat of arms should be.A plowhorse rampant on a field of corn, maybe? EXTRA COPIES A number of Nafzgers have writ ten the News to request that three or four copies of the News be sent to them for Sons or dau ghters, etc. The way the mail ing machine is set up to pass through a mailing machine, it is difficult to identify the ones who are to receive extra copies. Thus, we would appreciate it if you would send the name and add ress to be included on our mail ing list. Because of the im personal nature of the machine we use to send the News to our readers, may we suggest that you do not request that a number of copies be sent t one address. WHO IS IN CHARGE??? Keeping track of the records of approximately 30,000 Nafzgers is quite a task as material arrives at the News. This summer, the task will be handled by Kathleen Naftzger. Kathleen is 17 years and will enter Lorain County Com munity College to major in journalism in the fall. Nafzgers writing to the News may wonder who takes care of their letters. The fact of the matter is that the chore is passed from Kathleen to Clair or the reverse, depending on who is the most pressed with their full— time jobat the time. Writers can direct their letters to either one and be reasonably assured that one of us will re cord the data, change of address or whatever needs to be done. NATIONAL FAMILY REUNION We explored the po* of a national reunion of Naf— zgers to be held at one or more locations in the United States. We found a reasonable amount of interest and believe that such an idea can be promoted to be come a success. However, the uncertainjtjes connected with travel (gas shortage) and the many problems associated with the arrangements of facilities for such a meeting for busy working people require us to ask Nafzgers throughout the U.S.to postpone this idea for a brief period of time. Hopefully, a few more years of getting to know each other through the newsletter will lead to such a meeting at some year in the not— too—distance future. In the meantime, we would like Nafzgers to announce local reunions that will be held throughout the United States during 1975 or the 1976 bicen tennial year. Perhaps, other Nsfzgers would like to use their vacations to bec a visitor to the local family reunions. For example, there is an annulal meeting of the Canadian Nafzgers held each year. The Hopedale, Illinois Nafzigers meet each year in July and the Noskers a— around the Chicago met this year (reported in this issue of the News). Please do not send in announcements of your reun ions to the News unless you care to welcome other Nafzgers to it. This plan would make a good first step to a national reun ion which we could arrange later on. THE NAFZGER HERITAGE NEWS 120 Edge wood Drive Grafton, Ohio 44()44 Publisher Clair E Naftzger Editor Kathy Naftzger -- PAGE TWO -- VOL Ill No 4 Septe mber 14, 1974 NAF ZIGER REUNIO N — LETTERS-- -- LET TERS -- HELD IN HOPE DALE I enjoy receiving the Heritage The annual reunion of the Enclosed is my check to help News very much and appreciate descendants of Daniel and Kath— with costs and printing of the all the work that it must in— erine Schertz Nafziger will be Nafzger Heritage News I look volved. Keep It up——it’s great. held July 21 at Hopedale, 111. forward to each issue. Keep up Enclosed information on our fam— Through the years, the pre the good work. The March 1974 ily line. has traditionally choosen the issue featured my family line. location. It’s date has been Thanks. CHARLES AND CARLA NAFZIGER set for the third Sunday in Ju— West Burlington, Iowa ly. DALE M NOFSINGER Carroll Nafziger of Minier, Marietta, Georgia Charles Is one of fourteen child— Illinois supplied us with Some ren born to Menno and Anna Nafzi— background information. ger. Of the previous 24 meetings, I was delighted to discover that sixteen had been held at mem— the Nafzger Heritage News exists. ber’s homes, one at Idlewood Congratulations on a fine and A letter to let you know th.t I Park in Morton, Illinois and Se— interesting publication. I found am receiving two copies of the yen other times at Hopedale, 1l1 my father listed on page 10, Vol publIcation. I am enclosing a tools’ park. Last year it was II, No. 1 — Emmett Noffsinger. list of the Nafzger names found held at the Hopedale Park. I would be happy to pay for past in a one year old Goshen,lndiana Every year, there is a basket copies of the Heritage News and telephone directory. dinner with the people bringing to help furnish pertinent infor— Your publication Is enjoyed very in food and eating ic—cream in nation to help keep records up— much. I would think that any mid—afternoon. There is a short dated for our part of the Nof(f) European angles or Information business meeting and election of singer family. Please enter my to the name would be very Inter— officers for the following year. subscrip’ion and bill me. esting. It would be nice to The first seven years, there was visit specific towns in Europe a short entertaining program. REV. PHILIP NOI where my ancestors came from. Now, renewing old acquaintances Detroit, Michigan My father was Christian Ralph is entertainment enough. Nafziger of Hopedale, Illinois. In the late 20’s, 30’s and He passed away in March, 1972. 40’s,the Mennonite people would Correct us if we have the wrong ( • invite the family relations for ett Noffsinger but according D. LYNN NAFZIGER Sunday dinners and visits. Ev— to our records, he is a descend— Coshen, Indiana eryone went to church, ate, via— ant of Peter who entered the U.S. Ited, and played crocquet or in 1749. His brothers and sis— Lynn’s suggestion of the Europ— baseball. It was not on an or— ean check of the name is a good ters are: William(Bill), Ida,who one. We have tried to pursue ganized basis, but just a get— married a Vincent, Eugene, John, this aspect but with little re— to—gether. By the 40’s, the fain— Andrew, Ernest,Emmett, Claude, iliea began to branch out to a Myrtle who married a Gish, and sults as yet. Most of the Nafzl— gers we write to in Europe have larger area. Sunday dinners had Clifton. The father of this very not answered our letters. We become outgrown. large family is Samuel R Noffsin— have collected approximately 100 In 1949, Melvin and Verda ger, grandfather is Bradford Noff— names of European Nafzgers but Nafziger Schertz invited all the singer, great grandfather isJacob cannot make any connection of the descendants tO’a basket dinner and his great—great grandfather family lines to the American at their home near Roanoke, Ii is Peter who entered the U Nafzgers because we do not have linois. It was decided offici— We do not have updated records enough information. You may be ally to make this an annual af— for the children and grandchildren interested to know that many of fair. Carroll and LaVetta Naf— of Samuel except for the names of the European Nafzgers spell the ziger invited the group to their william(Bill)Noffsinger’s family name’Nafziger” or “Nafzger” but home in Mackinew, Illinois for o settled in the Akron, Ohio. the second reunion. There has never Naftzger as I do —— my area. Some of his descendants spelling is an American version been a meeting every since. Say— have been in touch with the News, of the name. eral descendants have passed on Thus, we would appreciate hearing and new ones joined. If all came, there would be about 100 from you to see if we can bring the records up to date on this I became interested in the last people, but a normal attendence very large family line. We would issue of the Nafzger Heritage is from 40 to 60 people. like to have the year of birth, News because it was about Valen— date of marriage, name of spouse i He was my mother’s county of birth and residence and great grandfather. My mother was Enclosed are bits and pieces of date of death, If deceased for nma(Nafziger)Beck. Thus, I wou— information on the Nafzgers that each family member. ld be a great—great grandchild I have received from many differn— p or the fifth generation. If you ent people and from cemeteries do not have the Eimna(Nafziger) that I have visited. I am sending a donation for the Beck family, I will send it to I do enjoy reading the News and Nafzger Heritage News as I do en— you later. Please keep sending would like to subscribe to it for joy reading the paper very much, U5 the Nafzger Heritage News.En a year. What is the subscription . closed is my donation for costs. price? ?.ms. JOHN CLARK Bloomington, Illinois MRS. LLOYD NAFZIGER MRS. DALE STITT . Wauseon, Ohio Clay Center, Kansas -- PAGE THREE -- VOL II, No. 4 THE ? GER HERITA GE NEWS -- LETTERS -- -- LETTERS -- -- LETTERS -- Sorry I am so late with the in— I have enjoyed receiving the formation but it goes with your Heritage News snd I think you A friend of mine gave me a copy March 27th issue (Valentine Naf— are doing a superb job. I want of the Heritage News to read. ziger. Christian Nofainger to thank you and your crew. i find it very interesting and passed away near Sturgis, ‘ I, Glen A. Nofsinger, am listed i found my name listed on page gan at the age of 72 years. under the 8th. generation, of 8 under fourth generation of Val— We enjoy the News and have en— Peter Nofsker. I would like to entine Nafziger.This is an error closed a check to help with the add my daughter, Elizabeth D. because my father, William, and postage.Please correct the mail Nofsinger Ashley to the 9th. his brothers and sisters are also ing list as we are sent two Copies generation. Also, you can add listed as 4th generation. The One is sent to Galen Nofziger of Eric D Nefsinger and Jenifer E. names Carl, William, Cora, Edwin the same address—he is my uncle Ashley to the 10th generation Peter, and Henry are correct and who lived in California. Under who are my grandchildren, they spell the name Nofzlger.But the 5th generation Vol II, No.11 I have been trying to find out they also had a brother Frank my one brother’s name Is Ray N, by reading the News the re— who is not listed and a sister not Raymond. He is deceased but lationship between Peter Nofs— Eliza Nofziger Schlatter who is has two sons, Edward and Harvey ker and Johannes Nofziger. The listed on page 8 in col 1• who live at Salisbury, North reason I am trying to find out My name and my brothers, Dennis, Carolina. Harvey has two child— is that there are many Yoder Ralph, Dale, and my sister, Cora ren, Catherine and Ray M Kline. families in the area and also Nofziger Wyse should be moved to at Pryor which is nine miles to fifth generation. Also,the names GALEN E KLINE the north. I would be inter— Anna, Marilyn, Lowell% William Carisle, Pennsylvania ested in more information on who are children of Ralph should the connection between the Nsf— be moved from the fifth to the zgers and Yoders. Enclosed is sixth generation. my donation for Costs. I am enclosing a donation toward Enclosed please find my donation the cost of operations of your to the News. I enjoy receiving GLENN A NOFSINGER news letter. Keep up the good it. I am quite sure that Chri. Chouteau, Oklahoma work, Nofsiger whose wife is Magdaline Naffziger did not come from Eu— The relationship between Peter GLEN W NOFZIGER rope. In the history of Menn— Nofsker(who entered in 1749) and ArChbold, Ohio onites in Illinois from I829to Jo entered in 1848) 1929 by Harry Weber, he states not known. The pattern of Dig— Perhaps, the most difficult that most of the Mennonites came ration of the two families would chore to this hobby is keeping from some eastern states. Chris seem to suggest that the rela— some thirty thousand NAFZGER bought the farm north of Wash— tionship was not a close one, names straight and in order. But ington in 1863. His children were The relationship of the Yoders every once in a while, we loose all born before 1863. 1 drew the and the Nafzgers is another story. our direction. We appreciate conclusion from the case of my You can find some Nafzger of the letters such as yours because it family. My father William Sch— twenty five different lines I’ve corrects a mistake that should ertz was an only child and had one traced in the U. S. marrying a not be printed as fact. After second cousin named Schertz.There Yoder at some given point or all,we are trying to create some is only one great grandson to time. As a general statement, material for future generations carry on the name. the relationship is quite exten— so it should be as factual as we sive although we need to know can make it.Thanks for the help. ROSE NOFSINGER more details to determine the Eureka, Illinois exact relationship of a given We enjoy the News and enclose Yoder line to a Nafzger line, is a donation towards costs. The _________________________ address we have enclosed is to let you know we are receiving There must be at least I Nat z— I received your letter and the two copies each time. This may gers named Christian and it can News some tine ago. I had writ— have occurred because we have get confusing at times. i am ten you in answer to your request sent in donations both times, not sure which Christian Nafzger for information about the family Thank you and keep up the gbod we made mention of in the past my husband,William. His father work, issues of the News but I suspect as Andrew. One daughter, Esther the one you refer to in your let— tollar lives in California. MRS. ALFRED NAFFZIGER ter is Christian Naffziger (1808— adrew and Adolph Nsf ziger of Ohio Union Grove, WIsconsin 1881) who married Magdal were cousins of my husband. My _______________________ Schertz(18O9—188l), Children of usband, William, was born In this couple are Bertha, Ella, llinoia. Esther can tell you I have been receiving a copy of Clara,Valentine, John, Lena,and more about the family line than each issue of the News but would Catherine. He is buried at Union I can so I am going to suggest you like to receive 7 issues for each Cemetery, Washington, Illinois. drop her a line, of my children. Thus, I have en— He is a son to Peter NaffzIger of Enclosed is a donation for the closed donations to cover a perma— Groversheim, Germany, I do not News. It is sure Interesting to nent order of seven for each print- know his place of birth. Correct find the many ways that the name ing of the News, me if I am wrong. Most of the is spelled through the United States above information came from your J. L. NOFFSINGER records. We are very grateful for MRS. MARY NAFZIGER Union City, Ipdiana the help, Salem, Oregon -- PAGE FOUR -- VOL II, No. 4 THE NAFZ GER HERIT* GE NEWS September 14, 1974 DESCENDANTS OF FIVE BROTHERS FROM PENNSYLVANIA GEORGE. JOB N JACOB, WILLIAM, EMANUE L AND MARTIN NO FSKER (The Brothers are probably the 3rd or 4th generation of an earlier Nafzger family who entered the United States) A LIST OF PROBABLY 4th. GENERATION DESCENDANTS JOHN WILES NOFSKER SAMMY V NOFSKER MARTIN EMANUEL NOFSK HENRY N NOFSKER SARAH A NOFSKER SAMUEL NOSKER GEORGE JAMES NOFSKER JONATHAN M NOFSKER ABED NOSKER MARY N NOFSKER JOHN HENRY NOFSKER BENJAMIN NOSKER MARGARET J NOFSKER MARY(NOFSKER)HETRICK HENRY NOSKER JACOB EMANUEL NOFSXER JULIA (NOFSKER) SCHAFFNER JAMES NOSKER WILLIAM A NOFSKER ELIZABETH(NOFSKER)MORTIMER CATHERINE(NOSKER)MEGGS MARTHA SUSAN NOFSKER Mj GEORGE NOSKER A LIST OF PROBABLY 5th. GENERATION DESCENDANTS VERNA (NOSKER) SMITH MARGARET(NOFSKER)CARSON JAME (NOFSKER)KOONCE GRACE(NOSKER)CEIGER CHARLES L NOFSKER SARAHINOFSKERWHITE BESSIE NOSKER MARTHA(NOFSKER)BOYER JOHN GROVES NOFSKER MINNIE(NOSKER)SPITLER JOHN JACOB NOFSKER WILLIAM HARVEY NOFSKER FRANK NOSKER MARY(NOFSKER)HARRIETT ROSANNA(NOFSKER)CHESTER GOLDIE(NOSKER)WARRICK ALICE(NOFSKER)BROWN R RUDY (NOSKER)KING EMMAN MCCLELLAN NOYSKER PAUL MORTIMER HAL NOSKER SARAH(NOFSKER)MAkTHRUP JOHN MORTIMER BENJAMIN F NOSKER, JR CLEVELAND HENRY NOYSKER MARGARET(MORTIMER)DIXON GEORGE W NOSKER CLARISSA NOFSKER SOPHIA (MORTIMER) ETTEBUSS IDA (NOSKER)V IGLE RACHEL NOFSKE& WILLIAM MORTIMER FRANK NOSKER JOHN NOFSKER IDA (MORTIJIER) WORK WILLIAM H NOSKEK ELLEEN NOFSKER FRANK MORTIMER CHARLES NOSKER JACOB L NOFSKER ELIZABET}I(MORTT CLARINDA NOSKER EMELINE NOFSKER ELLA(I4ORTIMER)BLACK MARY(NOSKER)KIRRIN MARGARET (NOFSKER) FLOTNER LUCY (MORTIMER) DUNBAUS SHERMAN NOSKER SOPHIA(NOFSKER)ROLT HARLEY B NOSKER B. G. NOSKER EI4ANUEL MARTIN NOFSKER NELLIE(NOSKER)SIROIS JOHN NOSKER HUGH SAMUEL NOFSKER I. N DAN T S LIST OF PROBABLY 6th. GENERATION DESCE EDNA (NOSKER)ANDERSON VERNON GEIGER JEssiE(N0FsKER) THOMAS BERNICE NOSKER SAMUEL C NOSKER ELEANORE(SPITLER)EASTER CATBERINE(NOFKSER)MCINTIRE KATHRYN(NOSKER)GIVEN LAVERNE NOSKER LOWELL SPITLER JOSEPH N NOFSKER CRANK D NOSK CHLSEA NOSKER COOPER LOIS WARRICK CHARLES A NOFSKER ROBERT W HUSKER B. MARQUIS NOSKER LILLIAN(WARRICK)FORREST DANIEL C NOFSI CLYDE E NOSKER HARLEY NOSKER, JR WILDA(WAR.RICK)BARIMOSON EMMA(NOFSKER)LYNCH HELEN NOSKER ROLAND R NOSKER GLEMORE (WARRICI()YOIJNG GEORGE C NO SKER SARAN NOSKER BONITA G NOSKER GLORIA (KING)HALE JOHN H NOFSKER ERNA HUSKER EVERETT M NOSKER HERBERT J NOSKER MARY (NOFSKER)HELSEL MERTIE NOSKER ZEMMA(NOSKER)WILTERNOOD WENDELL H NOSKER ALICE(NOFSKER)HOLSINGER BERVIL NOSKER HAZEL L NOSKER HELEN (NOSKER) EMMERT HUSTON .1 NOFSKER EARNEST NOSKER JUNE SIROIS DOROTHY (NOSKER)ALBRECHT CHARLES A NOFSKER STELLA NOSKER JOHN E SMITH NITA(NOSKER)R C NOFSKER OLIVER HUSKER KATHRYN SMITH KENNETH A NOSKER ARTHUR SYLVESTER NOFSKER MARY L(NJISE NOFSKER ARLADEEN SMITH SHIRLEY (NOSKER)KUIPERS ELSIE (NOFSKER)FRIEDENBLOOM DOLLIE (NOFSKER) SMITH ‘U SMITH ALTON EARL NOFSKER SAMUEL BLAIN NOFSKER ANCELEEN (SMITH) KRAEMON SAMUEL J NOF SEER RAZEL(NOSKER)WRIGHT MURRELL NOFSKER -- PAGE FIVE VOL 111, No. 4 THE NAFZ HERITAGE N Scpt(’nhI)(r ii, 19T4 I A LIST OF PROBABLY 7th. GENERA TION DE SCENDANTS RONALD FRIEDENBLOOM HERBERT NOSKER CARL THOMAS JOSEPH RICUARI) NOFSKER DEBRA L NOSRER PHYLLIS(NOSKER)LAPTCOLA MARGUERITE(THOMAS)PLECKC pEGGy(NOFsKER)’ 1)ENNTS W NOSKER JUDITH(ALBRECHT)BARCHERS MABEL(THOMAS)NELSON CAROL HELSEL KEVIN W NOSKER JOELLEN(ALBRECHT)PARSONS JAMES HOLSINGER LOIS(HELSEL)PLLINY R1)NAI.D L EMNERT MICHAEL N NOSKER PAUL HOLSINGER LEORY NOFSKER DONALD L !MERT LYNN C NOSKER BLAIR HOLSINGER R!TA(NOFSKER)K(X)NTZ NARY ( BROtJN)ANCONETANI GEORGE HOLSINGER NANCY (NOFSKER)WALLS DONALD MCINTYRE JANE BROL EARL HOLSINGER E\’LLYN(NOFSKER) SM I rH RETIt \NN REI)M.\N JL ARTHUR HOLSINGER CHARLES NOFSKER MICHAEL KUIPERS JAMES MCINTYRE MAY HOLSINGER CAROL J SMITH lAMES .1 KUIPERS HAROLD NOFSKER ARLENE HOLSINGER LEON R SMITH CONSTANCE GEIGER JESSIE(NOFSKER)PATTERSON JEAN HOLSINGER LARRY D SMITH DEBORAH GEIGER ROBERT B NOFSKER EARL COOPER HENRY R NOFSKER DOIGLAS GEIGER RAYMOND E NOFSKER NORMA(COOPER)MCFARLAND FRANK E NOFSKER SHARON(EASTER)PAGE HARRY A NOFSKER LOIS E NOFSKER ELAINE(EASTER)HIC}O RUTH(NOFSKER)SHA CARL COOPER EMHA(NOFSKER)PHENICIE CINDY FORREST JAMES E NOFSKER PHYLLIS FRIEDENBLOOM DELORES I NOFSKER ROBERT HALE FRANCIS NOFSKER SALLY FRIEDENBLOOM ALTON E NOFSKER, JR RONALD HALE PEGGY(LYNCH)MCCHESNEY BARBARA FRIEDENBLOOM ROBERTINE(NOFSKER)DIXON KAREN HALE ELSIE(LYNCH)DIVINS NORMA J FRIEDENBLOOM RR1 E NOFSKER DIANA HALE DONNA(LYNCH)YEAGER FLOYD FRIEDENBLOOM GEORGE G NOFSKER A LIST OF PROBABLY 8th. GENERA TION DESCENDANTS KEVIN NOFSKER RICKY A COOPER CARL ThOMAS HENRY R NOFSKER DOTTIE(NOFSKER)BROOKS JANET(COOPER)HAGEN SHIRLEY(THOMAS)HENRY RICHARD L NOFSKER SHEILA NOFSKER MARCUS B WOOD BOBBIE(THOMAS)FISH DARLENE J NOFSKER DONALD SHAWKEY MICHAEL J MCFARLAND DIANNA MCINTYRE FRANK W NOFSKER ROBERT SHAWREY MICHALENE MCFARLAND JACK MCLNIYRE L1NDA(NOFSKER)ROSS LINDA S NOFSKER MARSHA K MCFARLAND GAIL MCINTYRE THOMAS W PHENICIE TERRIE J NOFSKER MICHELLE MCFARLAND SHERRY MCINTYRE ROBERTINE(KPHENICIE)LECKWART DENNIS B NOFSKER KIMBERLY NOSKER WAYNE PATTERSON DELORE H DIXON EUGENE MCCHESNEY ROBIN NOSKER JAMES A PATIERSON WAYNE R DIXON RALPH MCCHESNEY DEBORAH LAPICOLA DONNA(PATTERSON)CUSTER DONNA(NOFSKER)RINES PAT(MCCHESNE MICHAEL LAPICOLA KAREN(PATTERSON)KING TIMOTHY A NOFSKER LINDA(NOFSKER)LITZINGER SUSAN LAPICOLA EARL E PATTERSON CHERYL A NOFSKER WAYNE NOFSKER JENNIFER PARSON DALE PATTERSON TERI L NOFSKER CAROLINE HELSEL STEVEN PARSON RODNEY NOFSKER DIANNA(NOFSKER)WALLINGFORD CARL PLETNYE BRIAN BARCHERS LEONA(NOFSKER)BLAIR VICTORIA(NOFSKER)MCLAUGLIN LESLIE PLETNYE BRADLEY BARCHERS CHARLES NOFSKER BONNIE(NOFSKER)HAYWARD DAVID NOFSKER ROBERT BARCHERS ROBERT C NOFSKER GREGORY COOPER CHERYL (NOFSKER)MCCULLOUGH LIST OF PROBABLY 9th. GENERATION DESCENDANTS TAMARA K MORRISON RICHARD THOMAS MARVIN CUSTER GREGORY A NOFSKER SHELLY BLAIR CRAIG THOMAS VICKIE CUSTER BRIAN L NOFSKER MELISSA BLAIR DEBORAH HENRY LEWIS CUSTER BRIAN T P}IENCIE RODNEY M NOFSKER TIMOTHY H PHENCIE MICHAEL MCCULLOUGH PEGGY HENRY LAURIE CUSTER MICHELLE MCCULLOUGH REBECCA HENRY DAVID CUSTER STEPHEN M PHENCIE WILLIAM HENRY, III MARK CUSTER DELORES M DIXON RALPH MCCHESNEY, JR WAYNE R DIXON JOHN MCCHESNEY SUSAN FISH AMY KING MICHAEL MCCHESNEY AMY FISH SUSAN PATTERSON BRENDA YEAGER PATRICK MCCHESNEY DAVID FISH TODD PATTERSON FRED YEAGER LELIA NOFSKER JUDY FISH SHARON PATTERSON STEPHEN SWANSON HENRY NOFSKER KATHLEEN FISH BRIAN NOFSKER DIANA MORRISON MAI K NOFSKER JEREMY HAGEN JOHN NOFSKER CRYSTAL MORRISON LAURA NOFSKER BRIAN HAGEN J -- PAGE SIX -- VOL II, No. 4 THE NAFZ GER HERITA GE NEWS Septe mber 14. 1974 -- LETTERS -- GEORGE DAVID NOFFSINGER Please accept our warm thanks In trying to put pieces together We are enclosing a check to and deep appreciation for includ— in my Noffsinger puzzle, I am In— help with the publishing of the ing us on your mailing list for cluding the following informat— ger Heritage News We have the News. We enjoy it to no end tion taken from the obituary no— enjoyed it very much, and wish and also keep looking for the tice from the DeQueen Bee— you good luck in your work. “missing link” which, we hope, Thursday. April 6, 1961. (DeQueen will eventually tie this group is located In Arkansas FLOYD NAFTZGER ‘ of Noffsingers with the family Dr. Charles Henry Noffsinger Wooster, Ohio lines of Peter Nofsker. In retired veterinarian, died Mar 31 appreciation please accept the native of Cedar County, M. , who Thanks for sending us the Nafz— enclosed check to assist in con— was born in 1870. Besides his Heritage News Enclosed is a tinued research or in the pub— children, he is survived by one check for the from us and lication of the News, brother, Walter B Noffeinger of our two daughters. Please put Perhaps some part of my let— Terre Haute, Indiana. He died their names on the mailing list. ter to you transmitting the in— in 1963 probably at Terre H formation on our line was not He and his twin, William 0 were MRS. ORVILLE NOFFSINGER too clear but some of the infor— born in 1876 quite possibly in Definance, Ohio mation on our immediate clan of Missouri also. It is my belief, Noffsingera became confused in at this time, that their father I am seeking my great—great Vol II, No 1 issue of the News, was George D Noffsinger, born in grandfather’s parents and am The following corrections are Virginia in 1831. His parents wondering if any of your read— suggested. were also born in Virginia. His era have come across the fol— Under Peter Nofsker’s(8th.gen.) wife Eunice was born in Indiana lowing families. Burr Roy Noffsinger to Burr Oroy in 1856 and her father in New Noffsinger. Eunice Noffsfnger York State. No mention is made MICHAEL NEFTZGER, born in 1813 was Eunice Noffsinger Davis — of the mother. William 0 N at Galtenbelfeld in Germany. should read Eunice Noffsinger singer died In Indiana——again by Died in 1881 at New Liberty, Jensen and Celeste Noffsinger is hearsay. I am hoping some of our Illinois. He married Cather— now Celeste Noffsinger Hill. readers will recognize some of inc who was born in 1817 at Aiso,my husband’s father ‘and the Information and write to me. Haenback, Germany and died in his brothers and sisters have Thank you again, and I wish you 1880 at New Liberty. Child— been mixed In the 8th. and 9th. every success rem include Mike, Henery, Har— generations. Enclosed is the mon and Mary. Harmon married corrected listing of all of the MRS. RUTH NOFFSINGER Susanah Stewert, Michael and children of Burr 0. NoffsInger. Bremerton, Washington Catherine landed at Baltimore, Maryland and moved to Cincinnati, Ohio and finally to New Liberty There can be little doubt that One of John Shaver Noffsinger’s Illinois where they established the Burr Noff singer family line sons was George David Nof I singer a flour mill. I am seeking who Mrs. NoffsInger mentions in connects to Peter Nofsker who Harmon’s brithplace and Cather— emigrated to America in 1749. her letter. George David was Inc’s last name. Enclose is my John Shaver Noffsinger(1803—1860) born in 1832 in Virginia while donation to your publication. Jeft Virginia in about 1856 and his wife, Eunice who was much and ended up in Cedar County, Mo. younger was born in Indiana in He was married in Roanoke County 1856. Their children are: L. S. MRS. RUSSEt R URLMANN Huntsville, Albama( Virginia in 1829 to Elizabeth Charles, Walter, and William. Trout. Their children are:Mary, Charles must have been a veter— George, Julia, Sarah, Charles, inarian who died in DeQueen, Since my name was Nofziger be— Margaret, Newton, and Susan. Arkansas and his brother,Walter fore I was married I am inter— David C Noffainger also left Noffsinger died in Terre Haute ested in the Nofziger Heritage Virginia in about 1845 and ended in 1963. News. Would you please put us up in Ray County, Missouri. But The missing link mentioned in on your mailing list? I have en— he apparently spent a few years Mrs. Noffsinger’a letter is be— closed some information on our in Indiana because the second’ cause we cannot determine the family line. I am enclosing a child was born in Indiana. Ije parents of John Shaver Noffsing— donation for printing and post— must have been born around 1795. Cr. We know he was born In Vir age costs. It would appea that David and ginia, married in Roanoke and is John Shaver Noffsinger were bro— and almost for certain; from the there. Peter Nofsker line of 1749. Can MRS OSCAR GAUTSCRE Archbold, Ohio any of our readers help us make the connection Mrs. Gauteche sent us some nice information on her family line I have several issues of your Keeping a mailing list of 2000 plus several corrections of the interesting paper,and this month names with no full time help is list of descendants of Johannes I received one addressed to my one of the more difficult aspects Nofziger printed in the last office and one to my home. You of this hobby. It would appear Issue of the News.We appreciate can removed the office address that some Nafzger is moving some— in that it is an old incorrect the corrections because it is where in the U. S. at any given our only way to get the material one, time and the list is never quite completely accurate for future Dr. N. L. Nafzinger accurate. We apologize for our generations. Fairfax Station, Virginia error and appreciate any correct ions made to the mailing list. - t’AGE S -- C) [ II No.4 THE NAFZ GER IJERITA GE NEWS --LETTERS-- ________ --LETTERS-- First let me compliment you because his name changed. Under the fine job you have done assem— my father’s name, Harold A Nof— We were visiting a Nofziger bunS information on the Nafzger zinger(5th generation) is chown cousin in Albany, Oregon and she genealogy, until your paper came LaVern Nofzinger. I believe this showed us a copy of the Herit to my attention,I knew very lit— is his brother Waive LaVern Nof— age News My husband’s mother tie ih our family history. zinger.To be added to this group was Mary Nofziger who married Thanks to you, I have discovered is Orison W Nofzinger, (3rd son Jacob Reeser. Her brother’s son that I am a descendant of Valen— of Abraham). In the 6th gener— Harley Nofziger in Ohio compiled tine Nofziger. ation should be added my brother a book on Christian R \>fziger’s I have also disc,overed some Philip Nofzinger and myself. All descendants(1827—1968). rather interesting and sometimes of these names and other infor— We notice that you have th confusing information about our matlon have been enclosed, name of his mother’s descendants family. For example, my grand— One last bit of Information. My listed in one of the Iatt father, Abraham P. Nofzinger, brother was a C.P.A. before his issues. Our two sons and two of changed his name from Nofziger untimely death and i sin a Pro— our grandchildren hive been in to the current spelling. In your ject Engineer with Bendix Corp. eluded. We have more descendants article on Valentine Nofziger, I will continue to search for to add to your list and will his will had the spelling as Nof— additional information and will send the information in the near zinger. Is there any way of know— forward any I find. I would also future. ing which was correct? be interested in obtaining a My husband, Cecil suffered a I would also like to make some of the large chart on Valentine stroke two years ago. He is do— corrections to your article. Nofzinger if it is possible to ing real well but it leaves me have the memorial card when Seth purchase one, with all of the genealogy t take Nofzlger (3rd generation) died Enclosed is my contribution to care of on both sides of the which shows his name spelled Nof— aid In covering your printing family. ziger—not Nofslnger. Other corr— and mailing Costs. With my mother’s family, we ections are as follows:My grand— have a family organization and father, Abraham Nofzinger should HAROLD M NOFZINGER each of us pay dues of $2.00 a be spiled as stated—not Nofziger South Bend, Indiana year. Then, all of the infor mation we received from Switzer land where my mother came from, It was nice to hear from you. accent; thus, they often were un— is printed on genealogy forms and You have cleared up the mystery able to know how some other per— we pay 10 cents a sheet for them. when the name changed from Nofzi— son had spelled the name on a The Family Organization has ger to Nofzinger. usually, we document. I find many such docu— heiped a great deal, but father can meyer be quite sure when the ments. signed with ‘X” and a wide is from England and the price change in spelling occurred. In variation of spelling of the name of getting records from there is answer to your question about the sometimes on the same document, much higher. will of Valentine listing the Your Information is helpful be— Enclosed is a check, Please spelling as Nofzinger, it is not cause it tells me that Abraham send us the back issues and app— unusual to find two spellings of Peter adopted the Nofzinger spell— ply the rest to more to come. the name used during a generate— ing and taught his children to ion when it is being changed. use this spelling even though his MRS. CECIL V REESER believe we must remember that father had used the Nofziger Albany, Oregon. many of our ancestors could not spelling. Now I can place many of _________________________ write English and probably talk— the Nofzingers I have on file into ed with a pretty good German family lines. Thanks. On April 24th, I Sent a donation and requested all back issues of The enclosed check is for a do— the Nafzger Heritage News Since Again I thank you for the News, nation for the from a first it has been over two months and I received two copies t1Th cousin of mine. In the very near I have not received any issues, month so I am enclosing both future I will be sending some in— I thought I would write to see names so you may take one off formation on John Naftzinger who what happened the mailing list. I prefer Mrs. is the son of Mathias Naftzinger. Paul Noffainger. i am anxiously I do not know if you have the in— FORREST NOFFSINGER waiting for the news to feature formation on this family so i am Coachella, California the descendants of Rudolph who hoping it will help your study. entered the U.S. in 1749. Be sure to stop around when Sorry — we goofed. They are in travel east. I will be glad to the mail. Mrs. Paul Noffsinger see you anytime. Wellman, Iowa. We have a nice letter and lots We have delayed featuring the FOSTER M NAFTZINGER of good material from DEAN C NAF families of Rudolph because of Reading, Pennsylvania .! of Renton, Washington. The material relates to John Nafziger our inability to locate where who had three brothers, Daniel, Rudolph lived after he embarked Please put my name and the name Jacob, and Joseph; two sisters, the ship in 1749. We believe of my nephew(address enclosed) Phoebe and Kate. He brought his he may have settled in the Mary— on the mailing list. Let me know wife and nine children to Kansas land area. We have made two of the charges. trips to the Frederick,Maryland in 1893 and settled on a farm area looking for proof without EUGENE NAFFZIGER just east of Wichita. They came results. We hope our readers Midland, Michigan from Ohiotown, Illinois in Now— can help us with the problem. ember in two railroad cars. Dean encloses a lot of good material No charges — Donation useful and this John Nafziger — Thanks appreciated. PAGE EIGHT -- VOL II, No.4 ‘FilE NAIZUEK H 1IAGIi NEWa Your name and address were given -— LETTERS -- -— LETTERS tone by Paul V Bostetler of Ham— • den, Connecticut as a person who might be interested in Exchanging I have been indexing some of my I was so happy to get the news— information on members of the records and came across a few letter. I would appreciate the Naftzger(nafsinger) families. items I had copied or noted for other issues that have been sent. Mv great(2 times)grandmother, Enclosed is my donation towards Nary Brant is given in Descend helpir.g with the genealogy on the ants of Jacob Hochstetler (l9l2 Pennsylvania Traveler Noffainger ansi other families who #4303 as the daughter of John Ft. Wayne Library, Vol 5, #1; New Holland Lutheran Church connect to them• Brant and Esther Nafsinger. My ‘lv husband and I are direct de— Jacob Hochstetler line is 4308, Marriages, Lancaster County, Pa. page 3, ULRICH NAFTGEGER and cendants of William Jacob and 4307, 4303, 4162, 4141, 2 and 1 Susannah H Stoner Noffsinger. in DJH. Mr. Hostetler has sug— p. 3, ULRICH NAFTGEGER AND MARIA great grandfather(Rev. John Gos— gested that the surname “Nafsin— CATHARINE BISHOP, 12 August 1746. sett married lary Noffsinger in ger” in #4303 is also spelled Notes and Queries (in 2 vols —Ft. Virginia. Two children were born “Naftzger and that your index Wayne Library),Edited by William in Virginia. They moved to Ken— of over 30,000 Naftzger families Henry Egle, 1895; Vol. II, P.376 tucky in a covered wagon while may include information on my ELIZABETH, daughter of Henry Moyer my grandmother was pregnant with Esther. and Anna Thomas, born 1 Oct 1743, the third child. Mary’s father, I will be happy to share with married MARTIN NAFSGER of Middle— William Jacob Noffsinger had his you any Naftzger information town, Daughpin County, Penn. fortune told after my great— that I have or may receive in the grandfather moved his family to future that might be helpful to I did not copy all of the last Kentucky according to family ,o i would appreciate it record so I am sure there is more legeni passed down through the very much if you would let me know in it for you. I believe it wos years. He would diel by drowning if you find anything relating to under Dauphin County burials. I according to the fortune teller, my Nafsinger line, hope you had a good trip and many He followed his daughter’s move to Kentucky and was to drown in DAVID L COCANOWER good finds on you last trip to Ft. a creek near his home in Muhien— ‘ Phoenix, Arizona Wayne. bert Kentucky AGNES HOWER WELLS Enclosed you will find a work The Christian Nofsinger you ask Huntsville, Ohio sheet on Wilson C Turner’s fam— about in your letter is quite ily I found in his will at Green— a mystery at this point of our ________________________ yule, Kentucky. You may have it study. Perhaps, some of our for your records, readers can help. Christian Nof— I recently received a copy of My husband’s great—great—grand— singer and his wife, Mary, settled the News from an associate, Rich— father(Christopher Peters) marr— in Tuscarwars County, Ohio, in ard Naffziger. I was of course led a May Noffsinger. I do not the year 1814. He was one of the interested because of my own re— know her parents. Her daughter pioneers settlers of the county. lationship with the Noffsinger (Elizabeth Ann Peters) married Christian died in 1844 and his lines. George Cish in Muhlenberg County. wife Nary died in 1845. His will Attached to this letter is a is correct on Daniel,Dr. John and the county. He must have been to a book which my maternal Aunt Jacob Noffsinger being brothers. born around 1770—1780. It would Mrs. Glea B Richer,now deceased, Samuel Reed, born 1794, Richmond, appear that he is either a son published in 1939 on the Historjr Virginia, married Hannah Noffsin— or grandson of one of the Nafzgers of the Nafzger Family in America Mrs.Ralston Lawhead of Evansville is on file at the court house of Xerox copy of the introduction ger in 1818 in Muhlenberg County. who entered the U.S. in 1749—1750. This book is a concise genealogy Hannah was born in 1799,Botetourt Thus far, we have been unable to of the various branches of the County, Virginia and died in 5 identify the parents of this Nafzger lineage through the 6th Carrollton, Kentucky. She was Christian Nofsinger. We need to 7th. and sometimes the 8th. the daughter of Jacob and Susan make the identification to help generations. My Aunt did not (Stoner)Noffsinger. Samuel and us determine the family lines of follow the Jacob Naftziger line. Hannah are my great—great grand— a number of other early Nofsingers rather she followed the lines of parents. in Ohio. By the way, Christian’s Rudolf Nafzger who landed in 1749. Please put me on your mailing family appears to be all daughters This was for the obvious reason list, except for one son named John.We that our family line can be traced believe John was married to Susan to Rudolf. I myself am the 7th. MRS. ELMER GISH Slife and moved to Miami County, generation of Rudolf. central City, Kentucky Indiana and finally to Wabash The book goes through the lines County, Indiana. They are buried of 781 direct descendants of Rud— in Wabash. It is possible that oil, I don’t know if this would John has a son named Henry who be of any interest to you, but Right—we have a record of Nary married Eliza Roby in Miami Cou’ I would be glad to help with any Noffsinger, born in 1786, died nty, Indiana. They are the, par— information pertaining to this — , was married in 1806 to ents of John, Nerton, and Della. branch of the Nafzger lineage. Rev, John Gossett(l776l854). I The names of the daughters of If you would let me know your guess they moved to Kentucky in Christian Nofsinger are Nagda— subscription cost, I would like 0 1807. We have a list of their lena, who married a Forney, Chr— to be placed on your mailing children who are Samuel, Susan, istiana, who married another For— list. Jacob,Isaac,Betsey, Mary, Rachel, ney, Esther, who married a Brant, Catherine, John, and Daniel. But and Polly, who married another DANIEL W. B. JONES that is the extent of the infor— Brant. Thus, it would, appear we Los Alamos, New Mexico mation we have on this family. have four sisters who m two sets of brothers - - PAGE NINE VOL I No. 4 THE NAFZ GER’ HERITA GE NEWS septe mber 14, 1974 VISIT TO HOPE DALE ( The Naftzgers of the Nafzger Heritage News visited Hopedale, Illinois a week prior to the annual reunion held on July 21st. The purpose of the trip was to deliver a large chart showing the family lines of — descendants of Christian Nafziger who entered the United States in Pictured to the left is C. E. Nafzger with the chart just before de parture for Hopedale. Over 1,000 Nafziger names of descendants of Christian have been placed on the chart showing the various relation ships of members to each other. DONATION S DONATIONS DONATIONS The NAFZGER HERITAGE NEWS is published as a result of donations from — its reader-s. The donations are used to cover printing and mailing c ‘ There are some operational losses involved due to increasing costs. How— ever, it is our intent to keep the donation plan working as long as we can because it enables a greater number of Nafzgers to become involved in 3 the tracing of our heritage. Presently, the newsletter is being sent to approximately 2,000 Nafzgers throughout the United States. Let us keep _4 . \ the donation plan working. DO WE HAVE INFORMATION ON YOUR FAMILY LINE? If you do not have a record of your family line on file at the Nafzger Heritage News, why not take care of the matter today???? Complete the following information on each Nafzger you know about or have records and forward to the news today. We will make an attempt to connect your family line to one of the Nafzger lines and print the results in some future issue of the News. Send the Information to: THE NAFZGER HERITAGE NEWS 120 Edgewood Drive, Graf ton, Ohio 44044. 1. NAME OF THE NAFZGER __________________________ 2. Birthyear and County of Birth _____________________________ 3. Year of Marriage _____ _____ 4. Name of Spouse ____________ 5. County of Residence ___________ 6. Year of Death and Place of Burial ____________ - 7. Name of Mother and Father 8. Names of Children Our thanks and appreciation to the NOSKERS of the Chicago area for the gifts when we attended their family reunion on July 13th. We hope we can return for a visit next year. Daniel T Noffslnger 9050 South 150 1est Sandy Salt Lake City, TJt 100 S p /See here for the pdf version (scanned images) of this issue. Copyright 2020 Benjamin Noffsinger |
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Last Modified: 2004-07-05 |